Jack's latest & greatest

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Jack's latest & greatest

Post by 81police »

Posting this for JACK1653

I'll let him add all the details and particulars!
jack's newbie.jpg
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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Fellas,

I want to thank 81police for posting the pictures for me.

I have been buying these rifles for the past 30 years and every once in awhile you get a real keeper. This rifle is one of those. I called 81police immediately after opening the package to share my enthusiasm. I was as giddy as a kid at Christmas.

This is by far the best rifle as far as condition that I have ever seen or purchased. The ironic part about this acquisition is that it sold for a very reasonable price and not indicative for a rifle is such a pristine condition. It just goes to show that every once in a while we can still find a diamond among the lumps of coal. It has been pointed out by forum members that this rifle is probably a refinish and a re-blue and if it is is it has been done very well.

Some of you may have seen the Gun Broker listing and it had just one picture, not very good, and a very brief description. I wanted the rifle because of the old round knob pistol grip and for no other reason. I wish that my pictures were of a higher quality because they do not do the rifle justice. There are no metal blemishes and no wood blemishes. I have written a letter to the seller to try and get more information about the rifle but have had no response. It makes me wonder where the rifle has been stored for the past 96 years.

The rifle has a 1917 serial number and is in 32 caliber. It has the UMC stampings and butt plate. The wood has a warm appearance and is a satin type hand rubbed finished.

Thank you for allowing me to boast about a very beautiful rifle.


Last edited by jack1653 on Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by Phyrbird »

Very Nice :!: :!:
The stock has good figure, the fit of the magazine and trigger guard exceptional. :mrgreen: And that blueing :!: :!:
Ok now I gotta rinse my keyboard with distilled water again. :?
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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by imfuncity »

Agree with Phyrbird - need to water proof the keyboard (or use the wife's laptop). :lol:

Another GREAT one Jack, you keep out-doing yourself.
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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by Headoftheholler »

Very nice Jack, is the buttplate in the white? I know there was a discussion on mine (same buttplate) as to if it came on the rifle from the factory and if it was blued.
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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by jack1653 »


The butt plate is blued but it is not a dark blue like the rest of the rifle. I have the same color on other factory plates and really do not have an explanation unless the metal is of a different hardness.

It may be a composite metal of sorts. It is heavier than aluminum but not as dense as the steel plates. I did not remove the butt plate on this rifle, but I have several of the same style and that is on what I am basing my comments.


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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by S and S HUNTCLUB »

Jack... First off, let me say this is a nice looking rifle, but it is my opinion that this Model 8 has been refinished ... judging by the pictures that you have provided.

First off, If you zoom in & look closely at the pictures, you can see the polishing marks going in every direction underneath the re-blued finish, which you will not find on a factory original Remington finish. These marks are indicative of a re-blue. The pins that hold the key for the bolt carrier, appear to have been undercut/polished as well, along with the barrel jacket as seen in your pictures. I am not trying to be harsh here Jack, but these polishing marks are all signs that are indicative of a re-blue and these polishing marks, are not found on factory original rifles to this extent.

Secondly and another "tell-tale" indicator that the rifle has been refinished, is the refinishing of the wood. The fore-end wood is "rounded over" on the corner from sanding, on the upper left portion of the fore-end wood, where it meets the barrel jacket head/receiver. Factory original wood, would have a crisp sharp corner.

Some other indicators that the wood has been refinished, are the filled chips on the fore-end, by the rounded over corner on the fore-end and the filled chip on the lower trigger plate tang. These chips appear to have the after-market finish applied over the top of the chips/marks in the wood. It also appears to me from the pictures that you provided, that the fluted comb area on the butt stock, appear to have been deeply sanded and/or dished out, more than you would find on a factory original finish too.

The front sight as you know, is not factory original as well, but it is a "after market" front sight replacement that is often found on Model 8's and the later Model 81's.

Jack, These are my observations taken from the pictures that were provided. Again, they may seem harsh and up front, but they are my observations from the few pictures that were provided of the rifle.

It is my opinion that "Jack It Is", a very professional & nicely done refinish. It is a rifle that everyone would really enjoy using afield. I am looking forward to hearing more of the history on the rifle, in regards to what you hear back from the seller.

Enjoy Life, Bob @ S and S HUNTCLUB
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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Guys,

I have been out of state for a couple of weeks and am just getting back to the new postings. It is good to be back in a warmer climate than I have been in for the past couple of weeks.

In response to Bob's analysis, which is probably very accurate, what can I say other than oops. :oops: I'll just re-phrase my previous posting to say this is the best re-blue that i have in the collection. :D :D I shall retract the comment about it being museum qualityNothing like some objective comments to bring one's lofty opinion back to reality. That is one of the best features of this web site and the reason I post things. I welcome the criticism and I learn something new from each posting. Most of the time it is positive and every once in awhile like this one, i have to ask for the understanding of the more learned experts.


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Re: Jack's latest & greatest

Post by sighthound »

Hey Jack, Sorry about the letdown, however, still a very nice piece and while untouched pieces are desireable and a cut above restoring certainly is desireable. Seems firearms are discriminated against in restoring, look at other collection items, automobiles, furniture for example, perfectly acceptable there. With more and more unused guns coming out of closets, attics, etc this source has dried up and restoring what is left is the way to go but it is always important to not try to pass a piece off as original to unspecting buyers. I certainly would not kick your piece out of my collection. Still a good find. Jerry
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