Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

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Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by panzerman »

Howdy, was wondering what folks were successfully using for reload data for their Model 81's in 300 Savage? What loads did she like and not like? I was shooting some factory 150gr Hornady SST but mine did not really like it so I figured I would ask what you all used here that worked.
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Re: Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by Roger »

Hey,send me an email. I'm sure I've got some loads that may work for you.
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Re: Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by Phyrbird »

Try this site:

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Re: Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by DWalt »

For a few years, I have been making .300 Savage cases by reforming .308/7.62 NATO brass which is far more available than .300 Savage brass. My more-or-less standard load is 37 grains of Hercules Hi-Vel #2 (I know it's long-obsolete, but I have a lot of it) which is ballistically very similar to IMR 3031.
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Re: Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by Adam Lee »

DWalt wrote:For a few years, I have been making .300 Savage cases by reforming .308/7.62 NATO brass which is far more available than .300 Savage brass. My more-or-less standard load is 37 grains of Hercules Hi-Vel #2 (I know it's long-obsolete, but I have a lot of it) which is ballistically very similar to IMR 3031.

I have not posted about the .300 Savage much since number one, I don't own a rifle in that caliber, and number two; I have no personal knowledge or experience shooting this round. However this thread - and your reply about using .308 brass as a source of cases for hand-loading .300 Savage triggered my thought process once again.

I'd really enjoy one day getting an 81 (and a Savage 99 lever action too!) chambered in .300 Savage, always thought the idea of a higher-velocity bigger bullet would be kick-butt in these old spring-poles. Not that the .35 Remington isn't stout, but having that punch with the .300 would be great for many reasons & seasons!

Also, your described method of recycling brass is one I've heard before - so as long as one is prepared with a reloading bench, I can imagine an almost endless supply of .308/7.62x51 cases for rolling yer own. Very cool idea.

Without getting anyone into a sweat over recommended loadings - since yes, we want to respect the age/safety factor of our older Remingtons - I wondered what grain and profile bullets yall have managed to hand-load with success for the 81. Just wondering how the bullet seating versus ability to feed and load into the chamber of an 81 has worked out for folks. From small to tall - light to heavy bullets - what works, fits, seats well, and so on WITHOUT necessarily going into much detail about the powder load is fine.

I am sure I could very likely be asking for something that's been repeated before, so I apologize - so it's fine if one of yall just provide a link to a prior thread. I'm just getting kind of close to "hunting down" an early 81 in .300 locally, and I'm in the "information gathering" phase of things. Also been running into very tempting older 99 Savage lever rifles at shows and locally - more temptations for .300!

Thanks for listening, and DWalt, thanks for your prior post.

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Re: Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by DWalt »

I guess I didn't mention that the main bullet weight I have loaded in the .300 Savage is 150 grains. Most of my shooting in my M81s has been using the US GI M2 spitzer bullet, as I have several thousand of those. I have also loaded some 170 grain cast bullets with gas checks using 2400 propellant. Those also shot pretty well. Several years ago at a gun show a guy sold me about 300 of them for $10, and I have loaded them in .30-'06, .300 Savage, and even some .30 Remington, all with 2400. They don't group as well as jacketed bullets, but they are cheap enough to make noise with. It shouldn't be problematic to use heavier bullets, and I think there were even 200 grain bullet factory loads.

Regarding forming of .300 cases from .308 brass, I'd avoid Federal cases - case neck walls are too thick. I made some up and found that I had to turn the necks thinner, fortunately I have a neck turner. I use a tubing cutter to do a rough cut on the formed case necks so it doesn't take so long to do the final trim. Military 7.62 X 51mm brass works fine, and I have for all intents and purposes more than a lifetime supply of that.
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Re: Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by Wildgoose »

Hi All,
I use 39.5 grains of H4895, Hornady 150 grain SP, CCI 200 LRP and Remington Brass. Runs about 2500 fps out of the M81. Very good accuracy and a proven deer killer.
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Re: Reload ideas for Model 81 in 300 Savage

Post by imfuncity »

That looks awful good to me... definitely minute of deer!
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