Model 8's drop some bucks!

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Model 8's drop some bucks!

Post by 81police »

This photo was taken around Pawnee, Texas circa 1930. Four Model 8's out of 7 rifles ain't bad!

Pawnee, Texas.jpg
Pawnee, Texas.jpg (202.17 KiB) Viewed 4177 times
Cam Woodall
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Re: Model 8's drop some bucks!

Post by xtimberman »

That's a great photo! Lots of interesting detail - even down to the bandanas tied onto the hats of the five visiting "sports".
Much of that area was burned and kept cleared for cattle and planting back in those days. It is now so thick with live oak, mesquite, and prickly pear, I doubt that you could find that much wide-open space around Pawnee these days.

If I had to guess...I would say that the older gent with the white shirt and the M-1894 rifle was the ranch owner/host, the two fellas on the far right were the "guides", and the remaining five with bandannas were well-heeled businessmen "hunters" from San Antonio, Houston, or Dallas....? Do I see a Savage M-99 on the left and a Rem. M-14 in there too?
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