1914 model 8 .35 rough

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1914 model 8 .35 rough

Post by RockyMtn8 »

Hello, I'm new to the site. I thought I would post a photo. It's in rough shape and needs a firing pin, but these are neat old guns. It looks like this one was left out in the weather here in Colorado.
IMG_20151126_201724.jpg (158.36 KiB) Viewed 5369 times
IMG_20151126_201413.jpg (189.36 KiB) Viewed 5369 times
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Re: 1914 model 8 .35 rough

Post by Sarge756 »

Just looks to have had an "experienced life". A diamond in the rough that just needs some TLC. It is all there with no extra holes and from what I can see no pits in the metal. The wood has the common chip at rear of forearm on one side but the "ears" are still present on the butt stock indicating no one has sanded on it yet. Definite candidate for a restoration with care. Welcome to the forum.
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Re: 1914 model 8 .35 rough

Post by Roger »

It looks as though it's had a hard and interesting life. I can't tell from the pics you posted,whether it's been reblued, or not. Sarge is correct about the wood cheeks not being sanded too much. It is a round knob pistol grip model 8, which in my book separates it from just about any plain standard grade straight grip m-8. Others will say that condition is everything. I say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I say you that you have a piece worth bringing back to usable condition. Some of my round knobs are also somewhat worn. You're could find a new home here in Iowa with me anytime,should you decide to send it on it's way. Congrats on an interesting rifle. Have some fun with it!!
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Re: 1914 model 8 .35 rough

Post by RockyMtn8 »

I just noticed the other day that there are very faint checkering marks on the cheeks and pistol grip. I have not seen any with that pattern, not sure if that would have been a factory deal. As far as condition goes there is pitting on the outside surfaces and in the bore. What are the odds of finding an old style (one piece, no spring) firing pin. Just the tip broke off.
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