Boardwalk Empire and Richard Harrow's many Remingtons

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Adam Lee
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Boardwalk Empire and Richard Harrow's many Remingtons

Post by Adam Lee »

Hey y'all -

Not sure if any of you guys watch/have watched Boardwalk Empire on Amazon Prime, but since my wife does so much shopping with Amazon - this is one of the perks!
Anyway, one aspect of the series I appreciate is the attention to detail in terms of 1920-1930's firearms. A character that particularly interests me is Richard Harrow, a WW1 vet/former sniper who has lost an eye and been disfigured in the war - wears a "tin mask" to conceal his scars - and has an incredible collection of firearms!
From what I can recall, he had used a Model 51 semi auto .32 pistol, a Model 11 sawed-off semi auto shotgun, a Model 30 express set up with a scope in .30-'06 (may have been a sporterized Enfield Model 1917 though), amongst many guns he appeared with.

Also in the series, many JMB designs abound - of course 1911 pistols, at least one or two Winchester 92 lever actions, and several Model 520 Stevens pump shotguns.

Cool stuff! JMB and Remington rule!

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Re: Boardwalk Empire and Richard Harrow's many Remingtons

Post by 81police »

finding shows and films that portray 20's and 30's firearms accurately is a rarity these days!
Cam Woodall
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Re: Boardwalk Empire and Richard Harrow's many Remingtons

Post by Adam Lee »

Cam, here are a few pics from the IMDB website (that's my attribution FYI!) that illustrate Richard Harrow's character in Boardwalk Empire in several instances with his various weapons.

This one is a view of Richard's partial handgun collection. This is about 1925. Notice the Remington 51, the S&W 1917, the Webley .455, the Savage 1907 (or M915?) and his "wippet" shorty Remington Model 11 shotgun.
The next one is Richard on guard for a whiskey delivery with his Model 11.
Finally, Richard with a Model 97 Winchester. He is (was) one bad-ass dude.
I am a regular joe, consisting of 78% coffee, 12% hot air, 9% organizational abilities, and 1% luck.
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