What is Jackitis? Pics here***

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What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by 81police »

I'll let Jack explain what happened, but he asked me to post this photo for him.

The rifles from top to bottom are:

Original Model 8 Trials Rifle
FN 1900
8 - 30Rem
8C - 32Rem
8C - 35Rem
8D - 35Rem
81B - 300Sav
81D - 300Sav
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Re: What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Guys,

What can I say other than I just could not resist the opportunity to add more to the stables. Six of the rifles came from my trip to Tulsa last April.

The 81-D is a real beauty and I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time. I am told that there were only 12 of the 81-D made so they are indeed a rare and beautiful rifle. I am glad to have another of these in my collection.

The 81-B was a deal to good pass up. The metal is darn near perfect but the wood showed some nicks and dings. I need to spend some time in raising the dents from the wood.

The two model 8-C grades are something that you don't see that often. The wood on one of them is just beautiful and looks as though it could have come on a D grade. It is stamped with the correct serial number but I have not seen one with this quality of wood.

There is nothing special about the model 8 .30. It is a very clean rifle and was a bargain. A very nice gentleman in Tulsa had come looking for me when he was told I was there. He found me at the Creamer's booth and asked if I would buy his rifle so that he would not have to take it back home. Now how could refuse such an offer.

The FN 1900 is a very nice rifle. As many of you know they are hard to find in any condition so to get the opportunity to buy one is hard to pass. This makes number 13 and I wish my dear friend Jerry King was still around so that I could tell him that he inspired me to keep looking for the FN's.

The last rifle was just received on New Year's Eve. This was an unexpected find and one that could not be passed. The Trials Rifle is one of eleven known to exist according to 81police. The rifle has had a recoil pad added but it was done professionally. Care was taken in filling the wood where the tang on the butt plate had been. The gun had been in the family for many years and had been used for deer hunting. It certainly had been used but not abused. The wood is in excellent condition with no abrasions. When I tore it down the trigger spring was broken and I replaced it. The internals were pretty dirty but cleaned very nicely. I consider my self fortunate to have two of the Trials Rifles. Pictures of my othe Trials Rifle can be found in the Index of this site.

I thought last year was a slow year for me, but when I see these rifles I have to say I am glad that it was slow!!! The dreaded "jackitis" got me in Tulsa that is for sure. If Roger hadn't got the rifle from Tom Ramsey it could have been worse.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do sharing them with you. Keep looking for the springpoles and if you find some you don't want, don't tell me. I have very little resistance to say no. :D :D

Kindest Regards,

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Re: What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by Phyrbird »

there you go again; now I gotta buy another jug of distilled water to wash the drool off my keyboard :!: :!: :lol:
Talk about the luck.... :shock:
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Re: What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Carl,

You hit the nail on the head. Purchases like these has a lot of luck involved. All but the 81-B was a result of being contacted by the owner. This past year was not good in the sense that I did not spend a lot of time searching auction sites. Too many personal issues going on for me to be active.

I would like to refine my collecting by looking for the unusual. I need to resume the search for the five rifles with the correct barrel codes that match the issuing serial numbers. If I can find those rifles then I could check that objective off of my bucket list.

The other objective would be to locate the illusive 1943 Model 81. They only made 4 that year and it is the only year that I am missing in having a rifle from each year of production. Wouldn't you know that it would happen to be my birth year. Talk about luck. Wouldn't it be nice to find this one?


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Re: What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by Roger »

Hey Jack,
You beat me to the model 8C s in Tulsa in April. But at least I got the beautiful 25 rem. Model 8 from Tom Ramsey and his father. I look at it in my gunroom and have fond memories of that trip ( my first ever) to the Tulsa guns how. It was fun to finally meet you and Cameron. By the way, my friend Stan decided to go to the Tulsa show in November so I tagged along with him. I was lucky enuf to finally meet Bob Creamer, Corey and Brian's father. He proceeded to send me with Corey over to an exhibitor's table who had 2 model 8 Ds on his table. We looked them over carefully,with Corey telling me as much info as he could and then I proceeded to try and buy one of them. The seller and I were way too far apart on price so I walked away. I hope I don't live to regret that decision. However, we walked by his tables when we left Sunday afternoon and they both were still laying there. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought he was asking too much for them. I bought 2 Winchester and a Colt civil war pistol instead. I'm a real sucker for those JMBROWNING Designed Win. levers. And I needed the Colt as part of my Spencer rifle display in the gunroom. So Jackitis isn't only for Remington springpoles!!!
Good luck with your quests in the new year. Oh,and Stan and I may return in April to the Tulsa show. Obama and Hillary may succeed in actually killing alot of these shows,so I'm going to do what I can while I still have a chance.

Thanks for your time,
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Re: What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Roger,

Boy you must have been bitten real bad on the gun show. I didn't know that you made the fall show. I am considering a return trip this spring but need to check out the schedule. I would like to see some more of the Remington's. I will check back with you on the show.

I am glad that you got to meet Bob Creamer. I haven't had the privilege yet but plan on making contact sometime this year. The Creamer's are a great family and extremely knowledgeable on the Model 8 & 81 rifles. I always enjoy my interaction with them and learn from them.

I was considering the Las Vegas show at the end of the month but I am not going to make it. I could not get the arrangements made in a timely fashion.

Those 8-D's are nice rifles but they are all over the place in price. I have been lucky in finding mine at bargain prices. I think you were fortunate to have Corey give you an assessment on the rifles. It may have prevented you from paying too much. Most of these D grade rifles were not safe queens and were used by the owners. There will be other opportunities for you to get one.

Take care my friend and stay in touch.


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Re: What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by Phyrbird »

Send me some details of the ones you're looking for. You should still have my email. I'll keep my eyes open for you. Never can tell some of your luck could rub off on me.
Plus I suggest you could check into the Louisville JAG shows; they are bigger than Indy or Nashville either one. You're still in Illinois, right? Spring is when the prices are best too. I know my brothers would like to meet you as well.
If you should decide to visit, give me a couple weeks notice so I can plan, hey?
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Re: What is Jackitis? Pics here***

Post by Roger »

Hey Jack,
I'm sure going to try to make the April Tulsa show. Maybe it will work out that we both can go again. I hope to see you there in April. But with my work, I never know from one minute to the next whether I'll be freed up enuf to go anywhere. Maybe it'll work out.
Thanks for your time,
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