I just picked up my first Model 8 in 30Rem (vintage 1907). It appears to have had a pretty descent amateur face lift some time in its past. After a complete tear down, cleaning and greasing. I was faced with the "Oh Crap" moment of how does this go back together. After a couple hours of false starts and several bandaids due to all of the sharp edges on the receiver, I got it back together and working like new. A quick trip to the range, proved it functions like champ, with the exception of floor plate of the mag sticking a bit.
Long story to get to the point, while at the range I noticed the Redfield sight is missing it's aperture. This is the first peep sight I have owned. Does anyone know exactly what/where I can get this part? Will a modern replacement fit? What size aperture is appropriate for just a fun day at the range shooting between 50 and 100 yards.