2016 Canadian Bear Hunt--He Shoots--He Scores!

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2016 Canadian Bear Hunt--He Shoots--He Scores!

Post by northcountrygent »

2016 Canadian Bear Hunt—He shoots--He Scores!

We just got back from a successful spring bear hunt which took place in and around the La Verendrye Provincial Park in Quebec. There were still patches of snow in the woods when we arrived and the ice had only recently gone from the lake.
First night out at 8:15 my bear appeared, stepping out of the brush—the sights on my old (1910) Remington 35 auto loader danced over the bear’s vitals, quickly settled in, and BOOM! Perfect hit just behind the front shoulder. please see pictures as attached....

My Nephew Danny saw nothing until the 3rd evening—a small sow with a cub. Then on the 4th eve he saw a nice bear that would not give him a broadside shot—it just laid there facing him for over an hour. Finally he took the head shot at 70 yards, with his scope sighted bolt action 7MM Rem Mag. We had a great time up there! And we both agree that the meat is absolutely delicious! Just be sure to cook thoroughly to avoid any chance of Trichinosis.

If you’d like to read more about other deer and bear I’ve taken with the old Remington humpback, grab a copy of my book—only $15 S & H included--just send me a PM!

please see pictures as attached...
2016 Canadian Bear Hunt—He shoots--He Scores!<br /><br />We just got back from a successful spring bear hunt which took place in and around the La Verendrye Provincial Park in Quebec. There were still patches of snow in the woods when we arrived and the ice had only recently gone from the lake.<br />First night out at 8:15 my bear appeared, stepping out of the brush—the sights on my old (1910) Remington 35 auto loader danced over the bear’s vitals, quickly settled in, and BOOM! Perfect hit just behind the front shoulder.
2016 Canadian Bear Hunt—He shoots--He Scores!

We just got back from a successful spring bear hunt which took place in and around the La Verendrye Provincial Park in Quebec. There were still patches of snow in the woods when we arrived and the ice had only recently gone from the lake.
First night out at 8:15 my bear appeared, stepping out of the brush—the sights on my old (1910) Remington 35 auto loader danced over the bear’s vitals, quickly settled in, and BOOM! Perfect hit just behind the front shoulder.
Bruce s bear2_ May_2016.jpg (26.84 KiB) Viewed 9600 times
Bruce s bear May_2016.jpg
Bruce s bear May_2016.jpg (35.85 KiB) Viewed 9600 times
My Nephew Danny saw nothing until the 3rd evening—a small sow with a cub. Then on the 4th eve he saw a nice bear that would not give him a broadside shot—it just laid there facing him for over an hour. Finally he took the head shot at 70 yards, with his scope sighted bolt action 7MM Rem Mag. We had a great time up there! And we both agree that the meat is absolutely delicious! Just be sure to cook thoroughly to avoid any chance of Trichinosis. If you’d like to read more about other deer and bear I’ve taken with the old Remington humpback, grab a copy of my book—only $15 S &amp; H included--just send me a PM!
My Nephew Danny saw nothing until the 3rd evening—a small sow with a cub. Then on the 4th eve he saw a nice bear that would not give him a broadside shot—it just laid there facing him for over an hour. Finally he took the head shot at 70 yards, with his scope sighted bolt action 7MM Rem Mag. We had a great time up there! And we both agree that the meat is absolutely delicious! Just be sure to cook thoroughly to avoid any chance of Trichinosis. If you’d like to read more about other deer and bear I’ve taken with the old Remington humpback, grab a copy of my book—only $15 S & H included--just send me a PM!
Danny s bear2_May2016.jpg (33.25 KiB) Viewed 9600 times
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Re: 2016 Canadian Bear Hunt--He Shoots--He Scores!

Post by Sarge756 »

Looks like you guys had a great time. I enjoyed the book. Thanks for letting me get to know your family and sharing the adventures through your accounts. You have a bunch of memories to cherish and good to know you are adding to them with the younger ones.Only way for us to keep the traditions going.

Thanks, Joe
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Re: 2016 Canadian Bear Hunt--He Shoots--He Scores!

Post by 81police »

Very cool!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Cam Woodall
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Re: 2016 Canadian Bear Hunt--He Shoots--He Scores!

Post by northcountrygent »

Yes, we had a great time! Any day we are able to get around and enjoy God's great outdoors is a good day. And thanks for getting my book-- glad you enjoyed it.
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