Another nice Canadian bear.jpg (90.23 KiB) Viewed 12963 times
Another nice Canadian bear.jpg (90.23 KiB) Viewed 12963 times
Bear attack mount.jpg (108.67 KiB) Viewed 12963 times
Bear attack mount.jpg (108.67 KiB) Viewed 12963 times
Hi everybody! I really like and enjoy this site-- lots of good info on the old guns. I have hunted in Northern New York for the past 36 years, both in and around the Adirondacks and Northern fringe area near the Canadian border and in the St Lawrence River valley. I started out with borrowed rifles or a shotgun with slugs—but for the past 26 years, I’ve used my old 35 Rem Auto loader from 1910. It has never let me down! Here are a few of the bears I’ve taken with it over the years. A few of them I needed to follow back into the thick brush—one was already expired…but one was very much alive—and not in a good mood! I’ve also taken a pile of deer with the ‘ol spring pole. If you’d like to read more, I’ve written a book about my extended family’s (cousins, uncles, etc) hunting and fishing adventures in this area over the years—it’s called “Tremblays’ Great Outdoor Adventures”. I wrote it in Honor of my late Father. If anyone would like a copy send me a PM. Thanks
275 pound Canadian bear.jpg (113.87 KiB) Viewed 12963 times
Thanks Cam, for the very nice compliment! I guess everything about these old guns is cool Farthest shot I ever attempted with it was a buck at 160 yards-- perfect just behind the front shoulder hit, offhand with open sights, 200 grain Rem Core-Lokt. That says a LOT about these old guns and what they can do! Hey-- there are lots more photos and info in my new book-- if you'd like information on how to get one, please send me a PM. Thank you again for the compliment!
Great photos. Heck, I`m hoping to get an old hog to show off on this thread. Bears, Bears and Bears awesome. Check on the way to you for the book.Can`t wait to read it.
".......ain't many troubles that a man cain't fix
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."
Thanks Sarge. You know I love hunting and fishing here in NY's North Country-- but Canada is superb! Will be headed up North with my Nephew in May for a spring bear hunt. And yep, it'll be with my old 35 Rem.
I hit a bear with my Honda Accord last year, the more bear you guys take down the better!
(My car was fine, just needed a new hood and bumper cover. Driving slower than the speed limit and being alert saved the car, me, and the bear. I had full coverage).