32 Remington dies

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32 Remington dies

Post by Phyrbird »

Gun show find: a set of RCBS 32 Rem dies in the original (marked) cardboard box. A vintage set of dies. Original RCBS price list in the box. Metal box lock tabs are still there.
I've a set from Redding, expensive :!: :!:
Redding and RCBS list their obsolete prices at about $150 retail, a few could be wholesaled at a $100. I figure $65 shipped would help out a member :) if someone needs them for reloading. I've pulled the decap stem and looked in the sizer; it doesn't seem to be scratched up. I have not run a case in the die to verify. For as old as the box is I am surprised at the condition of the dies.
If no one wants I will keep for trading material. I do need to build up some capital for one of our ladies found that needs a new home. USPS MO accepted.


https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN ... 1JneLjhK8O_

https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN ... VqclXHyUPE
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