Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Dear Members and Guests,
After much deliberation, encouragement and assistance I have put together some comments and pictures of some of my Remington Model 8, Model 81 and FN Model 1900 rifles. Cameron will begin posting the pictures tomorrow. I hope that you will enjoy seeing the rifles.
John Henwood described in his book on page 163 his interpretation of “A Minimum Collection”. This is what inspired me to try and put together a minimum set but as many of you know I could not stop with a minimum collection. What you are about to see are my “Sets” of these rifles.
I have created nineteen sets of one hundred fifteen rifles from my collection of over two hundred and twenty Remington and FN rifles. While many of the rifles may look alike, there are no two rifles that are the same.
I will try to explain why I created each set by describing some of the unique characteristics of the selected rifles in the set. I tried to have a rifle of each caliber in the set but that wasn’t always possible and will help to explain why some sets do not have four rifles. I tried over the years to get a rifle for every caliber for every year but found that to be frustrating due to poor record keeping by Remington.
Kindest Regards,
After much deliberation, encouragement and assistance I have put together some comments and pictures of some of my Remington Model 8, Model 81 and FN Model 1900 rifles. Cameron will begin posting the pictures tomorrow. I hope that you will enjoy seeing the rifles.
John Henwood described in his book on page 163 his interpretation of “A Minimum Collection”. This is what inspired me to try and put together a minimum set but as many of you know I could not stop with a minimum collection. What you are about to see are my “Sets” of these rifles.
I have created nineteen sets of one hundred fifteen rifles from my collection of over two hundred and twenty Remington and FN rifles. While many of the rifles may look alike, there are no two rifles that are the same.
I will try to explain why I created each set by describing some of the unique characteristics of the selected rifles in the set. I tried to have a rifle of each caliber in the set but that wasn’t always possible and will help to explain why some sets do not have four rifles. I tried over the years to get a rifle for every caliber for every year but found that to be frustrating due to poor record keeping by Remington.
Kindest Regards,
Last edited by jack1653 on Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Ahlberg Collection
OOh Wow
I was at the Gr8 Event & held some of these
This is gonna be GOOD

This is gonna be GOOD

Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
WOW!!!!! My mouth is hanging open and I can't close it!!! I need a diaper to put on my lap to absorb the drool!!!! What a collection!!!! Very nice Jack-can't say enough. Very nice!
(Just wonder if it's possible to click on them to enlarge, tried, but nothing would happen) What a collection!

(Just wonder if it's possible to click on them to enlarge, tried, but nothing would happen) What a collection!
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Doubled post, tried to delete. ?
Last edited by Rifleman on Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Put thumb and finger on picture then spread them.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Aside from I told ya so, I'm speechless


Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Absolutely amazing Jack, that is what I would call a "lifes work"
May I ask, how long have you been collecting these rifles?
Myself, at 54 yrs and a firearm enthusiast since the age of 12, only discovered the Mdl 8 about 10 yrs ago and have been obsessed since
May I ask, how long have you been collecting these rifles?
Myself, at 54 yrs and a firearm enthusiast since the age of 12, only discovered the Mdl 8 about 10 yrs ago and have been obsessed since
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Hey canuck,
Thanks for the comments and questions. At the age of 76, I have been with guns as far back as I can remember. I have pictures of me at the age of 3-4 holding my Grandpa’s shot gun which I still have.
I bought the first Remington Model 81 in 1985 because it reminded me of the Browing A-5. I didn’t know anything about the 8 and 81 until years later but I would try and get them when I would see them. I started serious collecting after I retired in 1997 and got a copy of Henwood’s book.
More later.
Thanks for the comments and questions. At the age of 76, I have been with guns as far back as I can remember. I have pictures of me at the age of 3-4 holding my Grandpa’s shot gun which I still have.
I bought the first Remington Model 81 in 1985 because it reminded me of the Browing A-5. I didn’t know anything about the 8 and 81 until years later but I would try and get them when I would see them. I started serious collecting after I retired in 1997 and got a copy of Henwood’s book.
More later.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Well Jack, I m rarely at a loss for words,but in this case, I don't really know what to say. I will say that I feel good about being able to count you as a friend.Congratulations on a great collection.
Thanks for your time
Thanks for your time
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Hey Guys,
When I started putting these sets together, I thought with all the rifles in my collection it would be easy. But, I soon found out it would require a lot of work. It would require the handling of more than 220 rifles, examining and separating them based on condition, caliber, grade and unique features. This would mean that I would have to break up some exisitig categories and create the sets that you have been reviewing. I thought you might be interested in some of the other sets that I had and some more that could be created. Before I tell you about the other sets that I have, I would like to give you some background on how I was able to put together what you have seen.
With the dreaded affliction of “jackitis” that one of my colleagues tagged on me, I soon found that I was buying more and more of the model 8 and model 81. The term of “jackitis” is defined as the uncontrollable urge to buy another firearm whether I needed it or not.
I had not heard of the auction sites when I started buying the Remington’s but it didn’t take long to learn about them. Sometime in 2007 l found this website and would visit it from time to time. In 2009, I joined the forum to learn more about these rifles. It was through this forum that I became aware of the variations of the rifles and it prompted me to try and get as many as I could without duplication.
It was on the Forum that I learned about the FN Model 1900 and the challenge to get a “Dirty Dozen” from deceased member Gerald King known to most of us as “sighthound”. I learned about the Police Models from 81police and was challenged to try and find one. What a trip that has been. I wanted to have an engraved rifle and was tutored by Corey Creamer and his father on what to look for in the Graded rifles from Remington and other engravers.
I will stop here for now and will post more in a little while. Stay tuned.
When I started putting these sets together, I thought with all the rifles in my collection it would be easy. But, I soon found out it would require a lot of work. It would require the handling of more than 220 rifles, examining and separating them based on condition, caliber, grade and unique features. This would mean that I would have to break up some exisitig categories and create the sets that you have been reviewing. I thought you might be interested in some of the other sets that I had and some more that could be created. Before I tell you about the other sets that I have, I would like to give you some background on how I was able to put together what you have seen.
With the dreaded affliction of “jackitis” that one of my colleagues tagged on me, I soon found that I was buying more and more of the model 8 and model 81. The term of “jackitis” is defined as the uncontrollable urge to buy another firearm whether I needed it or not.
I had not heard of the auction sites when I started buying the Remington’s but it didn’t take long to learn about them. Sometime in 2007 l found this website and would visit it from time to time. In 2009, I joined the forum to learn more about these rifles. It was through this forum that I became aware of the variations of the rifles and it prompted me to try and get as many as I could without duplication.
It was on the Forum that I learned about the FN Model 1900 and the challenge to get a “Dirty Dozen” from deceased member Gerald King known to most of us as “sighthound”. I learned about the Police Models from 81police and was challenged to try and find one. What a trip that has been. I wanted to have an engraved rifle and was tutored by Corey Creamer and his father on what to look for in the Graded rifles from Remington and other engravers.
I will stop here for now and will post more in a little while. Stay tuned.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
The saga continues.
I cannot tell you when I decided to put together the first grouping of rifles. I do remember that the early years went very slow and I had not got the bug to put together a set. I think that getting John Henwood’s book was the main factor in getting serious about collecting the Remingtons.
As I would add another rifle to the collection, I would add it to my computer files. I had so many different reports that I had created about the rifles that it became cumbersome to manage the collection. One day as I was reviewing the reports I noticed that I was getting a significant number of both models. I created another report by model and serial number and noted that I was closing in on having a rifle for every year that the Model 8 and model 81 were produced. After seeing this, I decided that I would try and get a rifle for each year from 1906 through 1950. I solicted help from forum members and started hitting the internet auctions nearly every day. I was almost successful in meeting that objective but fell one rifle short of meeting that goal. The only rifle that I was not able to find was 1943 which is also my birth year. Remington produced only 4 rifles that year because of the war years. I am still looking but don’t hold much hope in ever finding one.
These fourty-four rifles would be my first two sets. I started adding more rifles to the overall collection when I decided to get rifles that had barrel codes and serial numbers that were for the same year of issue. Many of you know that the year of production often times were different from the year of issue. This niche in my collecting criteria resulted in a lot of extra rifles. At this point in my collection, I think that I still need four rifles to complete this objective. To be perfectly, honest I do not know if there are rifles that meet that criteria.
During the creation of the “One For Every Year” set I began to create many sub sets. I tried to create these sets from the excess rifles and to not bust up the main set. Some of the other sets that I had put together are listed below.
Set of Model 81 D Grade. There are five rifles in this set. There were only thirteen of these rifles produced.
Set of Model 81 B Grade. There are six rifles in this set with one being a different location of the “B” on the receiver.
Set of Krieger conversion. These rifles have the removeable magazine. There are examples of different calibers in both models.
Set of removeable non Krieger magazines and not Police Models.
Set of engraved rifles for Model 8 in Grades D, E and F.
Set of unique custom engraved rifles in model 8 and model 81.
Set of custom built rifles. Rifles include Trials Rifle, FSMR, (full stock miltary rifle), Project Rifle with three barrel assemblies in 25-35, 30-30 and 32 caliber, a conversion caliber to 22-250 from a 300 Savage, carbine rifles in model 8 30 caliber and model 81 35 caliber with Thompson submachine grip with 15 shot POE magazine. There is a youtube video showing 81police and me shooting the carbine.
I cannot tell you when I decided to put together the first grouping of rifles. I do remember that the early years went very slow and I had not got the bug to put together a set. I think that getting John Henwood’s book was the main factor in getting serious about collecting the Remingtons.
As I would add another rifle to the collection, I would add it to my computer files. I had so many different reports that I had created about the rifles that it became cumbersome to manage the collection. One day as I was reviewing the reports I noticed that I was getting a significant number of both models. I created another report by model and serial number and noted that I was closing in on having a rifle for every year that the Model 8 and model 81 were produced. After seeing this, I decided that I would try and get a rifle for each year from 1906 through 1950. I solicted help from forum members and started hitting the internet auctions nearly every day. I was almost successful in meeting that objective but fell one rifle short of meeting that goal. The only rifle that I was not able to find was 1943 which is also my birth year. Remington produced only 4 rifles that year because of the war years. I am still looking but don’t hold much hope in ever finding one.
These fourty-four rifles would be my first two sets. I started adding more rifles to the overall collection when I decided to get rifles that had barrel codes and serial numbers that were for the same year of issue. Many of you know that the year of production often times were different from the year of issue. This niche in my collecting criteria resulted in a lot of extra rifles. At this point in my collection, I think that I still need four rifles to complete this objective. To be perfectly, honest I do not know if there are rifles that meet that criteria.
During the creation of the “One For Every Year” set I began to create many sub sets. I tried to create these sets from the excess rifles and to not bust up the main set. Some of the other sets that I had put together are listed below.
Set of Model 81 D Grade. There are five rifles in this set. There were only thirteen of these rifles produced.
Set of Model 81 B Grade. There are six rifles in this set with one being a different location of the “B” on the receiver.
Set of Krieger conversion. These rifles have the removeable magazine. There are examples of different calibers in both models.
Set of removeable non Krieger magazines and not Police Models.
Set of engraved rifles for Model 8 in Grades D, E and F.
Set of unique custom engraved rifles in model 8 and model 81.
Set of custom built rifles. Rifles include Trials Rifle, FSMR, (full stock miltary rifle), Project Rifle with three barrel assemblies in 25-35, 30-30 and 32 caliber, a conversion caliber to 22-250 from a 300 Savage, carbine rifles in model 8 30 caliber and model 81 35 caliber with Thompson submachine grip with 15 shot POE magazine. There is a youtube video showing 81police and me shooting the carbine.
Last edited by jack1653 on Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
What a great thread and a stunning collection!
Thanks for the further insight Jack, keep 'er coming if you want - I'm all ears (eyes?)
Thanks for the further insight Jack, keep 'er coming if you want - I'm all ears (eyes?)
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
That is an incredible collection. Please keep the pictures coming!
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Here is more.
Another set consists of model 81 FBI rifles in30 caliber. There are six rifles in this set consisting of early and late models. 81police has made postings on the forum about these rare rifles.
Probably my favorite set consists of sixteen FN Model 1900 rifles. In Set Thirteen, I selected six of the best in my opinion. There are fine examples of customization, engraving and woodworking.
Other sets can be made from my collection, but would require breaking up some of the thirteen master sets. Examples would be having a two digit serial number for each model indicating a first day production; model 8-59, model 81-25 and FN 1900-55.
I will check with 81police about posting additional pictures. He would have to pull pictures from his computer that I have sent to him for his records.
I will give it a rest for now.
Another set consists of model 81 FBI rifles in30 caliber. There are six rifles in this set consisting of early and late models. 81police has made postings on the forum about these rare rifles.
Probably my favorite set consists of sixteen FN Model 1900 rifles. In Set Thirteen, I selected six of the best in my opinion. There are fine examples of customization, engraving and woodworking.
Other sets can be made from my collection, but would require breaking up some of the thirteen master sets. Examples would be having a two digit serial number for each model indicating a first day production; model 8-59, model 81-25 and FN 1900-55.
I will check with 81police about posting additional pictures. He would have to pull pictures from his computer that I have sent to him for his records.
I will give it a rest for now.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Thanks Jack for allowing us to share your collections. The photos and descriptions are great but nothing like having the opportunity you afforded us to actually hold and shoot some of your prizes when we had the Great8Meet and Shoot. For me it was the second time that I had that opportunity. The only downside to that first visit with you is that it ruined my visit to the Cody Firearms Museum a week later when I visited it. It was impossible to be impressed with Cody after the VIP treatment you gave us in Illinois. Their collections don`t hold a candle to yours.
".......ain't many troubles that a man cain't fix
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
A wonderful cased rifle collection, of various kinds, from the Ahlberg Collection...
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Only 15 or 16 Model 81-D's are known to exist. Here represents 30%+ of them!
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Cam, The question has finally been answered. Where did "Jackitus" originate ? Plain to see he is holding onto the rifle with both hands so as not to let it get away just as he has done so many times with so many others.
".......ain't many troubles that a man cain't fix
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Hey Guys,
I had another idea that may show additional rifles that are in my collection that may not be in the Sets and pictures in the first posting. I know in some cases there will be repeats but it is hoped that there will be more detail of the rifle.
What I am providing below are links to the various threads on the forum. By clicking on them you will be able to see pictures and narratives that may be more detail about the rifles. There is no rhyme or reason for the sequence of the links . I have shown many pictures with the help of other forum members and their help has been very much appreciated.
Links to Model 8 Rifles.
Conversion Time Again page 8 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... d29b1cff60
Jack’s Cased Rifle Project page 7 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... abfa1657a7
Full Stock Match Rifle page 6 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... abfa1657a7
Unique Engraved Model 8 page 1 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... abfa1657a7
Jackitis Affliction pics of 8/81 page 5 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack’s Beauty pics of 8/81 page 5 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack’s latest & greatest page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Four More For The Stable page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Brushy Mountain Prison Rifle! Page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Darn Near Perfect page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack1653’s latest acquisition page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Highly Customized 81-D page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b”
“Jackitis” Strikes Again! Page 3 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack’s Custom Engraved 8...Carbine Barrel Assembly page 3
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
What is Jackitis? Pic here*** page 2
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
FBI page 1
Links to Model 81 Rifles
Shooting POE rifles *NEW VIDEO* page 5 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
The Model 81 in 25REM. Page4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
FN Model 1900
Jack1653’s latest FN 1900 page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jacks 6th one page 3 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Sighthounds Swedish FN page 3 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
My first FN page 2 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Another FN to the Stable page 2 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Special Firearm page 1 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
FN #55——CUSTOM page 1 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Sent from my iPad
I had another idea that may show additional rifles that are in my collection that may not be in the Sets and pictures in the first posting. I know in some cases there will be repeats but it is hoped that there will be more detail of the rifle.
What I am providing below are links to the various threads on the forum. By clicking on them you will be able to see pictures and narratives that may be more detail about the rifles. There is no rhyme or reason for the sequence of the links . I have shown many pictures with the help of other forum members and their help has been very much appreciated.
Links to Model 8 Rifles.
Conversion Time Again page 8 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... d29b1cff60
Jack’s Cased Rifle Project page 7 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... abfa1657a7
Full Stock Match Rifle page 6 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... abfa1657a7
Unique Engraved Model 8 page 1 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... abfa1657a7
Jackitis Affliction pics of 8/81 page 5 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack’s Beauty pics of 8/81 page 5 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack’s latest & greatest page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Four More For The Stable page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Brushy Mountain Prison Rifle! Page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Darn Near Perfect page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack1653’s latest acquisition page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Highly Customized 81-D page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b”
“Jackitis” Strikes Again! Page 3 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jack’s Custom Engraved 8...Carbine Barrel Assembly page 3
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
What is Jackitis? Pic here*** page 2
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
FBI page 1
Links to Model 81 Rifles
Shooting POE rifles *NEW VIDEO* page 5 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
The Model 81 in 25REM. Page4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
FN Model 1900
Jack1653’s latest FN 1900 page 4 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Jacks 6th one page 3 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Sighthounds Swedish FN page 3 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
My first FN page 2 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Another FN to the Stable page 2 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Special Firearm page 1 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
FN #55——CUSTOM page 1 http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... a05bb8586b
Sent from my iPad
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
"Jackitus" is a real condition. Seemingly un-curable and also highly contagious!
Jack has a marvelous collection that even these pictures don't do justice by any means.
Jack has a marvelous collection that even these pictures don't do justice by any means.
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
I'm still in awe and drooling. Thanks Jack for posting all the pictures and info. I've never seen so many 8/81's in one spot. Would love to see in person. In the past 49 years attending gun shows and haunting gun shops, I rarely ever saw a 8 or 81. Not a popular hunting or even target shooting gun in my area. Bought both of mine off gun broker. Saw two about a year ago between my two 81 buys, first in many years. Thanks again Jack. I have a tower/desk top setup for computer, doing the finger swipe/spread doesn't work. My smartphone is the smallest one available (by choice) so viewing on that wouldn't even give me a view as big as regular screen on desk top. I can enlarge by manipulating a + (% increase) function.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Hey Guys,
I found another thread where I had requested help from members about what would be an ideal set of these rifles. The replies from many of you resulted in additional sets that I put together. You can read about it by going to the link I have listed.
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... d67#p18147.
I found another thread where I had requested help from members about what would be an ideal set of these rifles. The replies from many of you resulted in additional sets that I put together. You can read about it by going to the link I have listed.
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... d67#p18147.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Hey Guys,
I want to Thank each of you for your replies to the collection. Your replies have been very complimentary and have brought back a lot of good memories.
I am glad that several of you were able to see the collection at our “Model 8 & 81 Meet and greet”. I was glad to see Joe and Carl bust the targets. Joe got to shoot one of his rifles at 300 yards. Jim gave the rifles a good work out also. We were amazed at how accurate a shot Mike was with open sites as he hit targets over 150 yards. Mike also gave the animal field targets a good work out. Targets were set up without yardages and Mike did very well. I saw Cameron work dilligently trying to site in the FSMR that had never been fired. Of course he had to shoot the carbine and a couple of the police models, again.
Joes comments about my picture and holding the gun with both hands must have been the start of jackitis brought a good laugh. He might be right but the guy who tagged me with that title belongs to member Dennis Wolfe. Once he mentioned it, it took off like a wildfire among the membership. I am glad to have been the cause for many of you getting the dreaded affliction. There is no cure, only a slight remission when you succumb to the acquisition of another firearm.
I want to Thank each of you for your replies to the collection. Your replies have been very complimentary and have brought back a lot of good memories.
I am glad that several of you were able to see the collection at our “Model 8 & 81 Meet and greet”. I was glad to see Joe and Carl bust the targets. Joe got to shoot one of his rifles at 300 yards. Jim gave the rifles a good work out also. We were amazed at how accurate a shot Mike was with open sites as he hit targets over 150 yards. Mike also gave the animal field targets a good work out. Targets were set up without yardages and Mike did very well. I saw Cameron work dilligently trying to site in the FSMR that had never been fired. Of course he had to shoot the carbine and a couple of the police models, again.
Joes comments about my picture and holding the gun with both hands must have been the start of jackitis brought a good laugh. He might be right but the guy who tagged me with that title belongs to member Dennis Wolfe. Once he mentioned it, it took off like a wildfire among the membership. I am glad to have been the cause for many of you getting the dreaded affliction. There is no cure, only a slight remission when you succumb to the acquisition of another firearm.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
To say “what a collection is an understatement...”.
I imagine the quest for all of these to include the friendships and the stories must have made building your arsenal very rewarding & quite the experience.
Thank you for devoting the time and knowledge posting about these rifles.
I imagine the quest for all of these to include the friendships and the stories must have made building your arsenal very rewarding & quite the experience.
Thank you for devoting the time and knowledge posting about these rifles.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
This is Jack's set of FBI issue Model 81's. Some are you basic early type FBI guns, others are transitional with features representing changes requested by the FBI.
The last rifle in the picture is one of the most rare Model 81's in existence. It is the only known example of a late-type FBI Model 81. It was originally purchased at a gun store in Fort Worth, Texas as "just a nice 81" by a friend of mine. I personally examined the gun and asked the owner to borrow it for a day to conduct research. The gun was verified, by existing FBI/Remington paperwork and by serial number range as authentic. Jack subsequently purchased this rifle and was lucky enough to purchase a complete late-type FBI barrel assembly from a former FBI employee. This complete rifle and 2 serial numbered barrel assemblies (one consecutively numbered to the rifle) are the only examples we have of late-type FBI 81's. On paper 100 of these rifles were made with 1 existing example.
The last rifle in the picture is one of the most rare Model 81's in existence. It is the only known example of a late-type FBI Model 81. It was originally purchased at a gun store in Fort Worth, Texas as "just a nice 81" by a friend of mine. I personally examined the gun and asked the owner to borrow it for a day to conduct research. The gun was verified, by existing FBI/Remington paperwork and by serial number range as authentic. Jack subsequently purchased this rifle and was lucky enough to purchase a complete late-type FBI barrel assembly from a former FBI employee. This complete rifle and 2 serial numbered barrel assemblies (one consecutively numbered to the rifle) are the only examples we have of late-type FBI 81's. On paper 100 of these rifles were made with 1 existing example.
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Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Another "set" from Jack's collection. These are all Krieger built detachable magazine rifles.
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- thumbnail_IMG_1054 copy.jpg (262.28 KiB) Viewed 48595 times
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
An additional "set" from Jack. These are all Model 81 "B" grades, all in 300 Savage caliber.
- Attachments
- thumbnail_IMG_1050 copy.jpg (252.39 KiB) Viewed 48592 times
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Please excuse a small side trip from all the beauties. Just had a thought, could my Tattooed Lady have been the model for the FBI series?
Same receiver sight, same sling swivel, no barrel sight, just in a harder hitting caliber.
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... 7497da3261
Please excuse a small side trip from all the beauties. Just had a thought, could my Tattooed Lady have been the model for the FBI series?

Same receiver sight, same sling swivel, no barrel sight, just in a harder hitting caliber.
http://thegreatmodel8.remingtonsociety. ... 7497da3261
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Hey Carl,
You might be right. I dont recall seeing this post and am impressed with the pictures and subsequent postings about the rifle. What was the round thing that sparked interest among the cookie lovers? Take care.
You might be right. I dont recall seeing this post and am impressed with the pictures and subsequent postings about the rifle. What was the round thing that sparked interest among the cookie lovers? Take care.
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
To solve the cookie mystery; its an old fashioned anti rust sponge. It probably has a desiccant & an O2 absorber originally. Now it's kinda crumbly. I leave in place cause it may have been placed during the repair. Not likely, just maybe.

Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
All good things come to pass, Jack's collecting days seem over and he is now divesting himself of his amazing collection.
I noticed he has offered a couple of very desirable pieces to forum members, I sure wish I could purchase one, its a great opportunity for some lucky Model 8 enthusiast.
Anyways, seeing his ad made me think of this thread and I thought it was worthy of a bump
I noticed he has offered a couple of very desirable pieces to forum members, I sure wish I could purchase one, its a great opportunity for some lucky Model 8 enthusiast.
Anyways, seeing his ad made me think of this thread and I thought it was worthy of a bump
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Sad indeed, but good things for Jack.
I'd say if you someone sees a rifle in this collection that interests them, it is worth inquiring with Jack as he may still have it, and it may be for sale.
I'd say if you someone sees a rifle in this collection that interests them, it is worth inquiring with Jack as he may still have it, and it may be for sale.
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Ahlberg Collection ** Picture Heavy!
Hey guys, I was lucky enough to buy the straight grip 25 Cgrade from Jack at Tulsa in November. So this is a great opportunity for the other members here. I’ve sold off a lot of my collection,but as I’ve told anyone who would listen, I’ll stop collecting the day they plant me. And I’m sure that my dealer friends will be lining up to buy what’s left. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Thanks for your time
Thanks for your time