This photo was originally published on the cover of Dawn of American Deer Hunting, Volume I and subsequently published in the latest edition of NRA's American Hunter magazine. Their caption reads in part,
"his Remington Model 8 is topped with one of those newfangled telescopes; it appears to be a turn-of-the-century "WM Malcolm" telescopic hunting sight that measured more than 2 feet long. William Malcolm of Syracuse, NY first made telescopic lenses for rifles in 1855 and they became a favorite of Union and Confederate sharpshooters in the Civil War. They were popular with some hunters in the early 1900's, and the company continued making 'telescopic lenses' for rifles until 1940. This long 4x or 6x was probably side-mounted"
Cool Vintage Scoped 8
Cool Vintage Scoped 8
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Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Cool Vintage Scoped 8
An aweful lot of unsupported tube up front, wonder how it handled recoil!
I've got a few early "telescopes" and, quite honestly, would rather use a peep sight
I've got a few early "telescopes" and, quite honestly, would rather use a peep sight