Model 8 forend question

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Model 8 forend question

Post by doublecanister »

I recently picked up a Remington Autoloading Rifle dated 1908 (pre-Model 8) in 35 Rem. I noticed that the bottom of the forend/forearm does not have sling swivel for removing the forend and instead there is an exposed bolt/nut that one presumably uses to remove the forend. Does anyone know what would have been original to to the rifle for removing the forend? Is my rifle missing something? Or is this original? See photo. Thanks guys!

forend.jpg (116.6 KiB) Viewed 4910 times
Last edited by doublecanister on Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Remington Model 8, .35 Rem (1909)
Remington Model 8, .32 Rem (1926)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1937)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1941)
Remington Model 81, .300 Savage (1946)
Remington Model 81, 35 Rem (1948)
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Re: Remington Autoloading forend question

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Todd,

Definitely not original issue and yes you are missing the original takedown screw and ferrule. Check some of the pictures on the forum to see an original takedown screw and ferrule. You will notice on an original takedown screw a loop in the screw head. This was NOT meant to be used for a sling although some guys used it as such.


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Re: Remington Autoloading forend question

Post by doublecanister »

Crap, I should have spotted it before I purchased it. That said, its a nice old rifle even with the missing piece. Any idea if I can get a replacement part and if it would fit on?

Thanks Sir.
rifle.jpg (187.12 KiB) Viewed 4897 times
Remington Model 8, .35 Rem (1909)
Remington Model 8, .32 Rem (1926)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1937)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1941)
Remington Model 81, .300 Savage (1946)
Remington Model 81, 35 Rem (1948)
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Re: Remington Autoloading forend question

Post by doublecanister »

After more investigation, it appears the sling swivel came off and the original allen screw remains and works perfectly during takedown. The internals are relatively clean and nothing needs replacing. Bore is shiny and no pitting.

The serial number is in the 11000-range and dates to 1907. My oldest Remington yet.

The butt plate is black hard rubber with the Remington seal. I'm assuming the rubber plate is not original to the rifle and they came with steel butt plates. Any idea?
Remington Model 8, .35 Rem (1909)
Remington Model 8, .32 Rem (1926)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1937)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1941)
Remington Model 81, .300 Savage (1946)
Remington Model 81, 35 Rem (1948)
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Re: Remington Autoloading forend question

Post by doublecanister »

After more reading, it appears the early Model 8s had gutta percha/hard rubber black butt plates. So it appears this butt plate is original, which is some good news. All original 1907 rifle, sans sling swivel.

Cam - any info on these hard rubber butt plates, dates of use, etc.?
Remington Model 8, .35 Rem (1909)
Remington Model 8, .32 Rem (1926)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1937)
Remington Model 81, .35 Rem (1941)
Remington Model 81, .300 Savage (1946)
Remington Model 81, 35 Rem (1948)
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Re: Model 8 forend question

Post by 81police »

Cam - any info on these hard rubber butt plates, dates of use, etc.?
The hard rubber (vulcanite) butt plates were used from the beginning of production to at least during WWI...maybe longer. Steel butt plates were mixed in there too but the earliest guns all have the hard rubber plates.
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
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