a little bit of walnut

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a little bit of walnut

Post by Hibby83 »

Here's a photo of my most recent Model 8 and a stock set to an 81 that has no home.

The 8 came from Florida, the story is that it resided in Washington state most of it's life under his grandfathers ownership. She proved to need some TLC, but I got it all worked out. I did the first fire functions test this past weekend and the old spring-pole didn't disappoint at all!

The 81 stock set came to me from Illinois. I believe the seller is one who seems to get police destroyed guns, meaning he sells shotguns and rifles sans the receiver. I wasn't pleased with how he shipped the stock set and the parts, I was able to manage though. I'm sure some of you will notice the length. As you can see it looks a little short, picture perspective makes it look real short, it's just over an inch less than factory. There was a Pachmayer buttplate on it that had seen better days! Until I find a purpose for the stock set it'll be butt-less. :D

Both stock sets were refinished by my father and I. The wood on the 8 didn't get as much treatment as the 81 due to me not wanting it to look out of place on a 110 year old rifle " a tasteful restore".
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Re: a little bit of walnut

Post by 81police »

Thanks for the photo...y'all have done great work to preserve these wood sets. Nice! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Cam Woodall
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Re: a little bit of walnut

Post by Hibby83 »

Thanks. I'm real happy with how they came out.

Fixing up the Model 8, it was the first time this year i had my clothes iron out "ha". There was a series of compression dents on the left of the forearm that I was able to steam out. There was a few minor dents I was able to raise on the buttstock also. We used Truoil for the finish, since it leaves a bit too much shine/luster it was buffed to desired condition. The firing pin was the only part that needed attention to the gun aside from meticulous cleaning. I need to find/order a peep sight plug screw, I dont want a peep on the rifle currently.

The 81 stock set got dinged up in transit. There was no wrap/packing around the wood "what the heck"! The stock set was shipped with all the parts of an 81 minus the barreled assembly and the receiver. As you can imigine it didnt arrive in the condition it was prior to shipment. Anyway, my father was behind the wheel on fixing that one up. He knocked it out of the park "my opinion".

I feel some may not approve messing with original finish. I share that sentiment to a point. I believe something needs done when there is little to no finish though.
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Re: a little bit of walnut

Post by Hibby83 »

Here's the forearm before and after.
20210316_174623.jpg (303.6 KiB) Viewed 2904 times
20210316_175334.jpg (437.63 KiB) Viewed 2904 times
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