.222 Rem. “aka Triple Duece”

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.222 Rem. “aka Triple Duece”

Post by Hibby83 »

Here's a photo of my only Remington center fire bolt action. I picked it up off a coworker around 6 years ago.

It's a Model 700 Varmint with a date code from Jan. 1969. It's chambered in .222 Remington, a Lyman S.T.S 15x sits on top.

To say it’s a joy to shoot is an understatement!

I have yet to use it for anything other than punching paper. I don’t have any farmers for friends to help with groundhogs.
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Re: .222 Rem. “aka Triple Duece”

Post by 81police »

That's a sweet setup! I especially like the Lyman scope too. I had a 222Rem in a Sako L461 Mannlicher but sold it. Sweet little cartridge. Thanks for the eye candy today! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Cam Woodall
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Re: .222 Rem. “aka Triple Duece”

Post by Hibby83 »

Thanks Cam, no problem.

I sure do have a soft spot for that type of scope! I have a Litschert 12x on my Anschutz 54 and a more recent acquisitioned Unertl 15x on a HEAVY barreled sporterized A3 in 30 gov. 06.

Sweet sounding SAKO and in a great caliber to boot. My dad has an appreciation for mannlicher stocked firearms. I really like them also but there's virtually no factory lefty mannlichers out there...
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Re: .222 Rem. “aka Triple Duece”

Post by Hairtrigger »

I am a big fan of the 222!
Still have my first which is an odd one, Mini-14 😳 Ruger made a few for export to countries that do not allow citizens to own a military caliber
I wanted a 222 in every action, never bought a single shot but still own a REM 760, couple of rem 700s and a Ruger bolt
It is my go to woodchuck caliber
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