Need Help Dating a Model 8

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Need Help Dating a Model 8

Post by JediWing19 »

I could use some help trying to figure out the date of a Model 8. As you can see in the pics (hopefully) there is a PA3 stamped over an AR. So, I'm assuming the PA3 is in reference to some repair/modification job. The P=June and the A=1932 was when the job was done? So the AR, (A=March; R=1924), would be the original manufacture date of the gun? But, the serial number 47674 states it was manufactured around 1922? Just curious what your opinions on all this means, if I have any of it correct, and/or what kind of Frankenstein Model 8 I might have?
Thanks for your time.
Model 8 Serial #.jpg
Model 8 Serial #.jpg (26.1 KiB) Viewed 3819 times
Model 8 Date.jpg
Model 8 Date.jpg (17.92 KiB) Viewed 3819 times
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Re: Need Help Dating a Model 8

Post by S and S HUNTCLUB »

Hello JediWing19, I agree with your Barrel Code assessment regarding the month and year of the factory repair and the date of manufacture, being March of 1924.

Remington started the Barrel Code stamping of the Month and Year of Manufacturing in 1921.

Remington used the word BLACKPOWDER for the first 11 months of the year and the letter X was added for the month December. Using the letter B for January and so on for each month.

I do not know how Remington came up with the lettering system for the year of manufacturing.

I've always went with the serial number chart for dating the year the rifle was produced, regarding the early Remington Model 8's... UNLESS there was a Barrel Code Stamped on the Barrel Yoke.

If a Barrel Code is present WITHOUT a factory repair code (3) following the letters of the Month and Year, then that is the true date that the rifle was produced.

Over the years, I always found outliers, when comparing the serial number chart, to the Remington Dates of Manufacturing chart.

The Barrel Code, when present, is the true month and year that the rifle was produced.

Especially in your case, with the barrel yoke serial number and receiver serial number matching. You can even see an "over-strike" of the barrel yoke serial number onto the receiver.

Your Remington Model 8 was most definitely produced in March (A) of 1924 (R).

On a side note: On the Remington Model 81, you'll find the last three digits of the serial number stamped on the left side of the barrel yoke...underneath the fore-end. Those digits, should match the last three digits of receiver serial number. If the rifles serial number is 999 or less... you'll find the entire serial number stamped on the barrel yoke.

If you find a "non-matching" number there, the barrel has been swapped out and you wouldn't be able to use the Barrel Code as the Manufacturing Date of the Serialized Receiver. You would then be left to date the receiver by the Remington Model 81 serial number chart.

I've added pictures of the chart I keep on my shop bench, for those that may not be familiar with the Remington Date of Manufacturing system or the Model 8 and Model 81 serial number chart found here on The Great Model 8 site. I also carry a copy of this in my wallet, for a quick reference, while I'm out and about searching for the next score!

Enjoy life, Bob

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Re: Need Help Dating a Model 8

Post by JediWing19 »

Thanks Bob,
Really appreciate all the information and helping with the dating of the rifle. That’s a good idea about using those date charts as cheat sheets.
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