Redfield 102 N receiver sight.

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Redfield 102 N receiver sight.

Post by 9.3shooter »

IMG_3480.JPG (510.9 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
I had been looking for a peep sight for my model 8 in .25 Remington as the open sights are getting a bit difficult for 70 year old eyes. I had thought to get a Marbles or Lyman type, but then in reading "the book" on these rifles I saw that Redfield had made some for this rifle and then I remembered seeing one once in a while on Gunbroker etc. Its the Redfield 102 N sight, so I started looking.
I bid on one on ebay but got outbid in the wee hours so missed out on that one, but shortly after, one popped up on GB so I bid on that and won, no other bids. Not cheap however, perhaps the reason I had no competition!
I mounted the sight a couple weeks ago and got it to the range today and what a delightful improvement. Was shooting at 50 yards so I just popped one off and it hit the target a bit low and about 3 inches left. Gave the sight some right windage and the next sighter was perfectly in line, still low, and now was able to raise the 102 up a bit, fine tune windage with the front sight and boom, all sighted in.
I then began shooting a handload with Speers 100gr FB bullet ahead of IMR 3031 powder, CCI primers and Graf cases. All groups went where they were supposed to and grouped well, at or just under 1 inch. Most pleasing. Gun worked perfectly and the sight was worth every dime it cost me.
I put two pics in this post, hope they show up.
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Re: Redfield 102 N receiver sight.

Post by Hibby83 »

Looks good on there, very nice setup! I saw you won the auction and that you were un-opposed.

Glad you found one, they don't pop up very often.
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Re: Redfield 102 N receiver sight.

Post by 9.3shooter »

Thanks! I used to think these were a blocky, ugly looking sight but it grows on you and it provides for a much better sight picture. 8-)
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Re: Redfield 102 N receiver sight.

Post by MinnesotaDan »

I have one of these on an 81 in 300 Savage. A very nice sight indeed.
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