Hi everyone, I'm Iacopo from Italy, I'm now on the forum, so scuse me for mistakes
I'm a firearms addicted, and now I would share with you my 2 FNs an model 8. I think is important give you the serial numbers of mine.
The first I found it was a D3653, with 2nd style forearm pattenr, and early FN butt-plate.
The second it was a 1719, with 1st style forearm pattern, and early FB butt-plate.
This secont gun has some interest aspetc to evidence. As you can see in the pictures, the operating hendle is hold with a simple nut, instead the right part. Then the rear sight, is made with 2 different leafs instead the ribaltable sight. Last but not least, on the top back of the reciever, ther is a mark, an address, mybe it seams an italian name E. Mazzoletti. The stranger aspect is that, those mark is not engreaved as friquently happen, but seams impressed in elevation with a stamp that operated from the inside to outside of the reciver.
I try to serch smt on the web about "Mazzoletti" so far with no results.
I hope the picts help you to determinate something new.
Regads in advance.
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&i ... &disp=safe[/img]
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&i ... &disp=safe
I hope to load correctly the picts