Time To Stop Collecting

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Time To Stop Collecting

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Guys,

There comes a time when some life changing events cause us to make some decisions that are hard to make. For me, it has been a result of health issues over the past decade that has lessened the quality of life. Many surgeries have had a negative effect on my abilities to do the things that I use to do. Spinal surgeries have resulted in mobility issues and there isn’t anything that can be done to remedy the problems. While my issues are not terminal they are somewhat restrictive in some movements and I deal with painful reminders of what I can do. The things that I use to take for granted are not without consequences and I am learning alternatives to live differently and at the age of soon to be 82 it is not pleasant but the alternatives are worse.

My son and daughter have suggested that I should start thinking about what I should do with the firearm collection. They were concerned that if something were to happen to me, neither of them nor my wife would know nothing about what I had or what to do with it. They were correct and it started me thinking about what they had suggested. My son and I had talked about my collection but never really discussed what should be done with it.

I made several calls to Forum members to discuss the decision that I was considering to seek some guidance and advice. These gentlemen were understanding of my situation and indicated that they would be facing the same issue sometime. I talked with our “Site Administrator”
several times and as always he was very helpful and gave me permission to make this posting.

After a lengthy conversation with Corey Creamer and several follow up conversations, I have decided to make a consignment to Sporting Collectibles by Ward’s Auctions Inc. Corey is associated with this firm and will be handling the consignment. I will be taking the first delivery of 150 Remington Model 8 and 81 and FN model 1900 rifles to Corey on November 8, 2024. I talked with Corey today and he indicated he would make a posting on the Forum giving additional details of the consignment. There will be another delivery of additional Remington’s around the first of the year.

I want to Thank all of you for your friendship and assistance during my active years of collecting. Special Thanks to Joe Leatroptt, Bob Pajtas, Roger Williams, Richard Jones and Dennis Wolfe who tagged me with the “jackitis” affliction.

I have a lot of associated items for the Remington’s that will be available in the near future including ammunition. I have been actively collecting the Remingtons and FN’s since 1985. If there are any questions, I will try and answer them. Send me an email to “jack1653@att.net” or call me at 706-202-2590.

Kindest Personal Regards,

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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by Roger »

Hey Jack, I was unhappy to hear about your health issues when you recently called me. I too am facing a declining health issue. I started selling off parts of my collection a few years ago. But as I have told anyone who would listen, I’ll stop buying the day they plant me. But it sounds as if you are heading to Tulsa to meet Corey and Brian. If so, I’ll be thrilled to death to see you there again. My youngest son has rented a table there this time,which will be a first for us. In the past we have always been more into buying than selling. But I’m only taking one Winchester and some barrels,stocks and forearms to sell. This may be my last show to buy a collectible firearm,so I want to be free to do that. Jack, I know how hard this will be for you. But rest assured, I and most members here will be here for you. It gets easier to sell them once you’ve sold a few. As Itold you on the phone the other day.Please don’t hesitate to call me anytime you want. I still want one of your M8 Cgrades in 35 Remington,as we discussed the other day. Maybe we can make a deal on one in Tulsa. I’m looking forward to seeing you there.
Your friend,
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by Rifleman »

Sorry to hear of your situation Jack, guess it may be a decision everyone may have to make someday. All the best to you, Gods Blessings. Yours, Rifleman---a/k/a Roger
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by MinnesotaDan »

I am sorry to hear that, Jack, but I certainly hope that you will continue to check in here at the forum with your valuable insights and comments.

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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by 81police »

Jack your participation in collecting, researching, sharing photos, and most of all sharing your enthusiasm made much of this forum. You're a great friend too which is more valuable than any Remington. We hope to hear updates from time to time here about the selling of the collection and how you're getting along. :D
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by Hibby83 »

Be safe with the delivery of your surmountable collection. I look forward to seeing the collection on the consignment page.

I hope that your physical quality of life maintains the best it's able for years to come.

Thanks for all your contributions here.
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by Roger »

Hey guys, I have a report from the Tulsa gunshow. I hope you find it interesting.
The most important part of this story is the fact that I acquired a M8C grade ,straight grip,in 25 Remington,from Jack1653. It’s a beautiful piece and I would love to have pictures posted of it here. Unfortunately I’m not computer savvy enough to do it by myself. I would be very appreciative if anyone could help me by posting them for me.
And now the rest of the story. My youngest son rented a table for us for the first time. It was ok, but honestly I go there usually to look and buy. Because of this, I was unable to actually see my friend Jack. The remnants of the hurricane made it an impossible situation for Jack and Corey to transfer Jacks rifles, but they got it done anyway through sheer determination. It rained hard literally all day and night on Friday. It was a mess for everyone,loading into the show,including us. Jack left the show and returned to his hotel,and I missed him completely. However he separated some guns for me to choose from,leaving them at Brian and Corey’s tables. On Saturday I picked out the 25 Cgrade to buy. I’m truly grateful for Jack’s kindness in doing this after all he went through Friday. He returned home very early Saturday morning. I couldn’t be happier,now that I have one of his rifles. I hope this hasn’t bored some of you.
Thanks for your time
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by 54bullseye »

Here are some pictures of Roger's M-8Cgrade
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Last edited by 54bullseye on Wed Nov 13, 2024 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by 54bullseye »

Here are some pictures of Roger's M-8Cgrade
image000003.jpg (228.39 KiB) Viewed 2987 times
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by 54bullseye »

Here are some pictures of Roger's M-8Cgrade
image000006.JPG (101.4 KiB) Viewed 2987 times
image000007.JPG (72.21 KiB) Viewed 2987 times
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by 54bullseye »

Here are some pictures of Roger's M-8Cgrade.Last one. Nice gun Roger congratulations !!!
John Taylor
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by 81police »

It's such a joy to see these fine rifles from Jack's collection dispersed out into other forum member's collections. What a beautiful quarter-bore C grade! A rare beauty! Congrats! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Roger,

I am happy that you were able to get the rifle. The pictures are great. I know the feeling of adding a rifle to the collection that has been sought for a long time.

Your comments about the inclement weather was spot on. It was a very trying time for all of us that were trying to get the rifles transferred. Corey worked well past midnight to get the rifles wiped down and placed in dry socks. There were several rifles that got moisture during the transfer but none were in contact with standing water, but Corey took no chances and wiped down any rifle that hinted of moisture and put an oil coating on the metal of the rifles.

Thank you for your posting.

Kindest Regards,

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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by Roger »

Thanks again Jack,
And special thanks to John for posting the pictures. And also thanks for all the nice comments from everyone. The newest M8C feels right at home with my 2 FN1900s and my one remaining M8C in 35. I sold my first Cgrade to Minnesota Dan, and my checkered Agrade to John Taylor.
Thanks for your time
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by Hibby83 »

Roger, that's a beautiful example of a C grade! I like the uncommon/different variation of the "cheeks" on the buttstock.

What brand peep is that? I assume it's earlier made one.
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by Roger »

Hey Hibby,
Thanks for the kind comments. It’s a King peep sight. This is one of the reasons that I picked this rifle. Brian and Corey tried to talk me out of it but I stood my ground. I know how rare that sight is. They wanted to buy / trade me for it. And yes the cheeks are a different variation. I’m very lucky that I was in Tulsa,and was given the opportunity to buy it. It’s an 8 hr drive for me but it’s one of the things my youngest son and I like to do together. Time spent with your children is precious.
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Re: Time To Stop Collecting

Post by canuck »

That's a beautiful rifle!
Cograts to you for acquiring it and Jack for finding it a good home
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