Help me load for my 35 Remington M81

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Help me load for my 35 Remington M81

Post by SuperXOne »

I own a pristine 1937 Model 81 35 Remington I’d like to load and shoot hundreds of times.

I’m especially interested in low recoil .357 bullet loads.
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Re: Help me load for my 35 Remington M81

Post by Hibby83 »

Welcome to the forum.

Sounds like a beaut of a rifle. Good luck finding data.

I can't comment on low recoil loads for these. There's data on this forum from gentleman shooting cast loads that work the action Just enough for reliable cycling.

I can say, my rifle will cycle flawlessly shooting 200 grain jacketed pills at mid 1,800 feet per second.
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Re: Help me load for my 35 Remington M81

Post by Roger »

Sir, My memory isn’t good anymore,but I believe John Henwood addresses this subject in his fine book about the Remington model 8/81 s. You might look there first.
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Re: Help me load for my 35 Remington M81

Post by Rifleman »

Roger wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:16 am Sir, My memory isn’t good anymore,but I believe John Henwood addresses this subject in his fine book about the Remington model 8/81 s. You might look there first.
The only cast bullet load for the 35 Rem that Henwood mentions in his book is using a 200 cast bullet by Lyman or RCBS with a 19.5 grain load of Alliant 2400 powder. I bought a 1938 made 81 35 Remington around a year ago but haven't yet cast and shot any through her.

I do cast and shoot alot of cast lead bullets through my collection of MILSURP rifles using a variety of powders with good results. Alliant Red Dot, Unique, 2400, IMR/Hodgon4227, and Acc 5744. I have used the noted powders in 30/06, 303 British, 8mm Mauser, 7.62x54 Russian using cast bullets and reduced loads with excellent results. Have zipped up some of the loads though within reason. Yet to use cast bullets in M1 Garand's.

I bought two styles of Lee 30 caliber molds for casting 300 Savage loads (Rem 81's and Savage 99 lever gun), bullets cast, yet to load any though. Have a NOE mold for 250 Savage yet to cast any for 99 Savage rifles. Just recently bought a 200 grain RN Lee mold for my 35 Rem, 81 Model rifle. There's going to be a mass 2-3 day casting session happening in the next 2-3 months with loading tossed into the mix.

One thing though about reduced loads or any loads for the 8/81 Rem rifles, the powder charge needs to generate enough pressure (oomph) to cycle the action, a bit different when loading for bolt/lever guns. The reduced loads are a joy to shoot, cheaper than jacketed, and can be loaded up to higher velocities if wanted but ya have to be wary of to much velocity that could cause leading in the barrel. I do use cast bullets requiring a gas check though for the calibers/rifles I shoot them out of. I do size my cast bullets .001" over normal jacket bullet width unless better accuracy shows otherwise.
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Re: Help me load for my 35 Remington M81

Post by MinnesotaDan »

I have used the aforementioned 19 gr of Alliant 2400 with a 200 gr. cast lead gas checked bullet with very good results in my 8s and 81s in 35 Rem.

A load of 10 gr. of 700X with the same bullet is more accurate in my 336 Marlins, but this load will not cycle the action in my Remington 8/81s.
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