Thanks to a couple of knowledgeable members here, I am now registered on Gunbroker and Gunsamerica websites to bid/buy treasures with the use of a local FFL. Are there any other websites currently auctioning/selling firearms that are worth giving a browse? Are there any to avoid?
Bare with my next ramble, it is totally self-serving: I haven't hunted for about 25 years and really spent a great deal of time and money on education and honing my fishing skills. Before that though, I was out shooting or hunting at every opportunity, but the opportunities decreased for a number of reasons. Apparently, it's been dormant in my blood, but I have the bug again, BAD!!! I am especially intrigued with the vintage firearms. I browsed through the photos in another section of this website and saw the old black and white photos. Those are fantastic. I have a number of photos of my own...ancestors, that look very similar to those photos. I just love the looks of those old square-looking guns like the model 11's, the 8's/81's, and the Brownings. I recently made the decision to start my own small collection of these old greats. I have an old winchestor model 1890 with a lyman peep sight, in pristine condition, manufacture date of 1901, giving to me by my grandmother (it was her brother's), my father's old savage model 99, and now the model 81 I purchased a couple weeks ago. In another post, I mentioned my interest in finding a model 8, winchester m63, another savage m99, and other collectible Remingtons. I have begun to look for them on websites. Also, I went to my first gun show, ever, this past weekend and saw many people there I've known over the years. One very seasoned friend, and vendor, asked me if there was anything I saw that interested me. I told him a saw an old Rem. model 14 that caught my eye. He smiled and said "yeah, those old guns, once they're gone, they are gone! It's nice to see a growing market for those." That statement really stuck with me. I've decided, once they're gone, I'm going to have a couple of them 'kept'. I just want to make sure I get some good examples of those firearms I grew up dreaming about. Well, that is enough rambling...I just love those old guns.
Oh yeah, did I ask about any other websites?
Good websites to browse?
Re: Good websites to browse? is another auction site.
- kittery trading post in Maine. I got the pleasure of going a couple years ago. Neat place, lots of guns.
- kittery trading post in Maine. I got the pleasure of going a couple years ago. Neat place, lots of guns.
War Eagle!
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:44 am
Re: Good websites to browse?
Not sure which photos you are referring to specifically but a few Rich used are from my stash.
If by chance you live in or have relatives from Wisconsin then we should talk! The one chap most prevalent in my old 8 pics is Martin Arneson, a Norske who left Wisconsin in 1907 and rode all the way up to Alberta in a rail car full of his families cattle of all things.
Not long after getting up here his Father died so the Mother sold the farm and brought her other boys up to meet and live with Martin northwest of Calgary. After a couple years they had enough of the hardships of homesteading. Carl was the only one to stay with Martin. Arnt and Olaf went back home with Mrs. A to Wisconsin.
A bit off topic but maybe this will help you. When Martin passed away in the mid 60's much of his stuff was taken to a neighbor. His wife years later contacted the family in Wisconsin and took what they could home. The rest was auctioned off. What a travesty. By fluke my Great Uncle who is now 98 years young had Martins bear trap until two years ago when he gave it to me. That is the only momento I have of his. His diary and photo album are on loan until I get the pics duplicated. I don't know a whole lot more except countless stories a good friend of his told me. Sadly Jimmy's memory is all but gone now. I got the stories only barely in time.
Not sure which photos you are referring to specifically but a few Rich used are from my stash.
If by chance you live in or have relatives from Wisconsin then we should talk! The one chap most prevalent in my old 8 pics is Martin Arneson, a Norske who left Wisconsin in 1907 and rode all the way up to Alberta in a rail car full of his families cattle of all things.

A bit off topic but maybe this will help you. When Martin passed away in the mid 60's much of his stuff was taken to a neighbor. His wife years later contacted the family in Wisconsin and took what they could home. The rest was auctioned off. What a travesty. By fluke my Great Uncle who is now 98 years young had Martins bear trap until two years ago when he gave it to me. That is the only momento I have of his. His diary and photo album are on loan until I get the pics duplicated. I don't know a whole lot more except countless stories a good friend of his told me. Sadly Jimmy's memory is all but gone now. I got the stories only barely in time.
- Posts: 60
- Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:15 pm
- Location: Tennessee
Re: Good websites to browse?
Your stories and photos have been just wonderful I have really enjoyed reading them. Thanks for contributing.
Your stories and photos have been just wonderful I have really enjoyed reading them. Thanks for contributing.
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:44 am
Re: Good websites to browse?
Packmule wrote:And Noel, we are very thankful for all the pictures provided they are wonderful. thanks so much for the loan for the website and everything else you have done to help with this undertaking.
The feeling is mutual guys. I can't thank you enough for teaching me all you did over the past year or so. The pics and stories are the least I could do to help folks get a true feeling of how it really was. We are all very fortunate there ended up being more than just more pictures to post. In my mind having the few stories and details with them make a big difference between a good picture and capturing a legacy of our history to pass along. Maybe I am too sentimental..... or just plain mental. LOLSupersporter,
Your stories and photos have been just wonderful I have really enjoyed reading them. Thanks for contributing.
Your stories and photos have been just wonderful I have really enjoyed reading them. Thanks for contributing.

It was a honor to sit all those hours with Jim to hear those stories. I wish I had done it sooner while he could still shoot. He gets pretty frustrated to have to lean on a tree to be steady now with his 1890. Keep him in your prayers if you don't mind, alzhiemers is working it's cruel wrath. It is a heartbreaker to see this guy slip away. On a positive note it really helped me get a better handle on what hunting was and to a point still is for all of us. Even in those days it was hard work but at least it was work that they all loved and took pride in and had alot of fun doing it.

Thank YOU!

Re: Good websites to browse?
Great pics, treasure them!