Not sure thats what its called but I am looking for one. I just finished checking/cleaning up my reciently purchased M81 300 Savage. I installed a Lyman tang sight I found at a gun show last month on it and removed the rear buckhorn assembly leaving the to mounting screw fittings. I have seen a cover plate that fills the area on other tang sighted rifles and would like to run one down if at all possible.
Rear Sight Spacer Plate
Re: Rear Sight Spacer Plate
What you're looking for is a "rear sight blank". I may have a couple extras I'll check and get with you.
What you're looking for is a "rear sight blank". I may have a couple extras I'll check and get with you.
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: Rear Sight Spacer Plate
Many thanks sir. Hope to hear from you.
Re: Rear Sight Spacer Plate
I found the sight blank, I'll email you a picture.
I found the sight blank, I'll email you a picture.
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator