Wanted Remington Model 8 Deluxe D, E or F Grade Any Caliber!

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Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:33 pm

Wanted Remington Model 8 Deluxe D, E or F Grade Any Caliber!

Post by remcrazy »

Hello everyone!

I'm hoping you may be able to assist me in my quest for a Remington Model 8 Deluxe D, E or F Grade! Must be 95% or better inside and out, all original, matched serial numbers, unmolested! I have high end collector grade Model 8's & 81's for sale and/or trade! Some that are as much sought after as the Deluxe Grades I'm seeking. I will only relinquish information on trade rifles to those who are as serious as I if they have a Deluxe in the category described. I would greatly appreciate any information/contact that would enable my possibilities. Please contact me direct at: "circlebranch@cox.net" with Condition, Grade, Price or, what you may be looking for in possible trade and/or cash value! I'm a reasonable man and hopefully expect reasonable fair market values as I will offer the same courtesy in values to others.

I take this opportunity to thank all the great folks in the Remington Community and The Great Model 8 site for any/all help they may provide!

With Kindest Respect To All,
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