Thanks To One And All & The Great Model 8 Site!

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Thanks To One And All & The Great Model 8 Site!

Post by remcrazy »

I wanted to post a sincere thank you to one and all, the Great Model 8 Site & the Remington Community for your gracious support and kindness the past few years. I will continue to support this site and all involved as much and as often as possible. We would be lost (I would be) without this site and the great work from Cam Woodall and his associates, all of whom do so much for us! I implore you all to take a brief moment, from your busy schedules, and email/post Cam with a few words of thanks, he deserves it!

I will be away for the summer months and have closed down our auction site on GB but, will continue to monitor emails and such for those who may be in need of something. We plan to set up a new internet site at the summer location. Last summer we tried getting on line with the laptop but, it was on an old dial-up system! Mmmmnnn, it was not a successful venture.

This season, we'll attempt to find a satallite service to put us back in touch with the world for the summer months. If we are successful, I will post this site with the new information. I enjoy keeping in touch with everyone, checking the site for new pictures/information, articles and helping in any small way possible.

Here's hoping you all have a great summer, lots of fun with family and friends, find lots of Model 8's/81's, and above all please be safe!

Kindest regards to all,
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Location: Roseburg, Oregon

Re: Thanks To One And All & The Great Model 8 Site!

Post by ctgodog »

I agree with Bob....this forum is an awesome community of friends who know and love these rifles as much as I do. I appreciate the friendly atmosphere and the expert knowledge that everyone is so willing to share. A huge thanks to "Cam and associates" for their efforts on keeping this forum alive. The collection and use of these rifles are an important part of our history and heritage. My Grandfather, Dad, Uncles, and myself used these rifles in their hunting adventures, and I feel fortunate to be able to continue that heritage.


[b][color=#0040FF]Time is the Essence of Life, Wine, and Great Guns[/color][/b]
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Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:39 am

Re: Thanks To One And All & The Great Model 8 Site!

Post by sighthound »

Total agreement with Bob and Clint, this forum and site is indispensible for those afflicted with our passion. Thank you Cam.
Best regards, Jerry
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