Custom Gun Case

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Custom Gun Case

Post by jack1653 »

I am trying to find a builder for a custom case to carry a Project Rifle that is nearing completion. The case will be for a shorter take down version instead of a long version. I can provide a simple drawing and description of what I would like inside the case. I would like for the exterior to be made of American Black Walnut with a customed fitted interior for the receiver and three barrel assemblies. The stock is an old style round knob pistol grip model 8. I can provide a sample rilfe for the builder to use as a pattern so there would be no guess work required.

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Custom Gun Case

Post by 1rknrbn »

Hey, Jack -

I'm planning to do similar to what you outlined.

A while back I stumbled on a website that really got my attention.

Take a look at this site:

Let me know how it looks to you, - ... and after you get work done, etc.

Happy To Help, ... 1rknrbn
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Re: Custom Gun Case

Post by jack1653 »


Thanks for the lead. I had checked this website early on and chose not to use them. I did not like the construction process being used. There is nothing wrong with their process and it is used by many craftsman. If you look at the pictures you will see they use cabinate grade plywood and then glue the wood veneer of your choice to the panel. You can get some very attactive designs with inlays using this process, but that is not what I was wanting. This methodolgy is strong but I prefer the solid wood and dovetail construction process.

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