Wanted: Remington Model 8 & 81 Leather Hardcase!

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Wanted: Remington Model 8 & 81 Leather Hardcase!

Post by remcrazy »

I have been searching for the correct leather hardcase for a Remington Model 8 & 81. According to sources, the approximate dimensions as follows: 24" long, 8" wide, 2 3/4" to 3" thick, two internal compartments, one for barrel assy and one for receiver assy. Any information, pictures etc. greatly appreciated that would enable purchase. Please contact me at: "circlebranch@cox.net"
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Re: Wanted: Remington Model 8 & 81 Leather Hardcase!

Post by ctgodog »

Take a look at kaintuck's post about leather carry cases.....he can have his Amish friend make you one. I considered it, but I don't break my rifles down that much to justify it. The pictures look like it a quality job. I would still like to have one just because they are so nice.

[b][color=#0040FF]Time is the Essence of Life, Wine, and Great Guns[/color][/b]
mr mike
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Re: Wanted: Remington Model 8 & 81 Leather Hardcase!

Post by mr mike »

Just came across this post after a couple days away.
Wanted to verify the quality of "KainTucks" leather carry case for the model 8 / 81.
I wrote him some time back asking about getting a case made up. He was kind and generous
enough to pass along the case pictured in his post to me rather than make me wait for his Amish friend
who has a thriving cottage industry making custom saddles and was behind in his orders. I gotta tell ya,
the photos almost don't do full justice to this case. You gotta "heft" this thing, touch it, and get the smell
of it's rich leather, with fine stiching to really apprechiate it. "Kaintuck", (his real name is Marc Newcome) is a lucky man
to have as a friend, a man with the skills this Amish fellow has.

Funny thing, as Marc and I were "doing business", we exchanged a number of e-mails, and I learned something about this guy living in a beautifull small town in Kentucky. Talk about "12 degrees of separation". As a thirty year retired navy man, I learned his dad and I had served on the same aircraft carrier ( USS Midway) unknown to each other, of course, back in the 1950's. Anyway, point is, the guy's a "straight shooter", and easy to do business with. If you need a case, he's "the man". He'll "hook you up." I feel the case is worth every nickel paid for it.
Very pleased that I got it !
mr mike
Posts: 74
Joined: Mon May 30, 2011 7:48 pm

Re: Wanted: Remington Model 8 & 81 Leather Hardcase!

Post by mr mike »

Almost forgot, you can reach Kaintuck at

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