After reading the Great artcile on the site about FBI model 81's I thought of this patent I found a while ago. It is patent 2,425,434 filed dec14,1943 and patented Aug 12,1947 by Crawford C. Loomis a Remington employee. It is a two part firing pin and a support piece to hold the rear piece in the bolt. In the article "Identifying the Late Type FBI Model 81" That Remington specifications changed too
"- FIRING PIN – a new type which superseded the standard one piece unit. This part has not been observed by the author"
Since this patent was filed around the time that Remington was producing or getting ready to produce the second batch of FBI model 81's could this be the firing pin in the above changes? Has anyone evr seen on of these firing pins in a late 81.

The last patent is also by Crawford c Loomis 1,858,862 filed jan 19 1931 and patented may 17,1932 is for the two magazine side springs.

big al