15rds Magazines for model 8

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15rds Magazines for model 8

Post by buford1769 »

Hey Guys I got one question . How can I get or find a 15 round mag for my Model 8 ? I really want to get one so I can use .35 Rem in our shooting matches my Bushmaster just don't knock anything down . I found one on a model 8 last weekend up in Iowa that looked like a homemade mag, it had no markings at all ,was tig welded together ,was'nt removable.And it looked nothing like the ones posted . Please Help thanks bufoud1769
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Re: 15rds Magazines for model 8

Post by 81police »

15 round magazines are very scarce and typically alone cost more than a rifle (if and when you can find them). Beyond the monetary hurdle, modifications must be made to a number of internal parts, changes which most gunsmiths will not know unless they have a police 8 or 81 on hand for reference.

You could always get a Bushmaster upper in 450 Bushmaster!
Cam Woodall
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Re: 15rds Magazines for model 8

Post by buford1769 »

Thanks 81police I just got talked to the owner of that model 8 up in Iowa and he said that on the side of the barrel shroud is marked DOC and thats it could it be a prison guard gun? It is pretty sad looking , very rusty . Do you think it would be something to get anyway? thanks buford1769
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Re: 15rds Magazines for model 8

Post by 81police »

no markings at all ,was tig welded together ,was'nt removable
very rusty
Sounds pretty homemade. Got pictures of it?
Cam Woodall
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Re: 15rds Magazines for model 8

Post by buford1769 »

81 police I did'nt get any photos of it I was on a run for some crawdads,nite crawlers when I seen it and left my phone at our camp site . I tried calling him back ,but nobody anwsered I'll try in the morning ,see if he would fax a pic to me . I wish it was closer to me its like 489 miles away .I live in Missouri . But the rifle just looked different that the Police model ,the magazine slanted backward like the standard 5 rd mags,on the back of the mag it was apparent that it was tig welded,there was no mag release. I will get back when I find out more,some pics. Thanks buford1769
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Re: 15rds Magazines for model 8

Post by buford1769 »

81 police Hey Iam going up to Iowa this weekend so I will have photos soon and that upper assembly in .450 for my Bushmaster $850.00 for the upper ,one 5rd mag ,$28.00 a box for ammo!!! Thanks for the sugestion but I think I'll keep on useing my $100.00 Model 8 ,reloading some .35Rem up at $40.00 a 100rds. But if I did'nt have four littleones I'd probley get that .450 upper ,but then again those fools I shoot with believe if it don't have a 30,40 75rd magazine don't bring it .The only way I keep up is useing old 8mm mauser stripper clips . They work great in the old model 8. Take care buford1769
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