Did find one box of 25Rem, at $65

Hey Mitch, if you run out I will reload them for you. I even have forming dies and plenty of 30 Rem brass.imfuncity wrote:Today, found no 8s, 81s, 14s or 141s at our local one and only yearly gun show - wasn't really expecting to. But, try to go every year just to support it and make sure the show continues to happen - also worth it as it is sponsor by the local Kiwanis.
Did find one box of 25Rem, at $65think he’ll continue to be the proud owner - seemed like a good idea to pass on it as shooting ammo. (But, the guy next to me did buy 3 of his boxes of his 25-06 for 45/box!!) Fortunately, a vendor that I have befriended (and got into this show) had rolled some 25Rem in 30Rem cases, at $15/bag I relieved him of all he had (117gr RdNose). I'll color code the heads and should be good to go and can finally try out that 14 that came home a while back, probably even dust off the 8.