Hey Guys,
I am on the hunt again for some rifles.

It has been awhile since I have had a bad case of "jackitis" and I figure this time of the year is when it usually gets me.

I would be willing to trade some rifles that I have to get the rifles that I am seeking. The list below indicates what I am looking for. There is nothing unique about thse years but I haven't been able to find the right combination of barrel code and serial number. I have listed the year, the serial number range and the ending barrel code that I am seeking. I currently have rifles for these years but the barrel code year and serial numbers reflect a different production year. I want the barrel code and serial number to reflect the same year. If any of you can help me, it would very much appreciated. You can eithr PM me or send me an email to
Model 8
1921 44826-45938 ?M The question mark (?) denotes the month
1923 47298-48826 ?P
1925 50137-51519 ?S
1932 65466-66360 ?A
1934 66868-67676 ?C
Model 81
1937 1676-4895 ?F
1945 21695-23809 ?PP
I thank all of you for your assistance. One down eight to go!