Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

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Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by JohnBrowning »

Hi guys,
I have some Remington Model 8 and 81 stripper clips that are like new. They came out of a lot of parts I bought from an old parts guy about 20 years ago. He had them for decades along with parts Remington sent out to private gunsmiths when the quit production and repairing on their own. These are for 35 rem and 300 sav. If you have never used one they are great and make the thumb buggering reloading go much smoother. With a little practice you will have the fastest gun in the woods. If you're an amazing shot you probably don't need a stripper clip while hunting but these are nice enough that you should get one for the collection. They'd make a great Christmas gift too. Although I'm guessing this present will be for yourself...
While I have watched the price of these clips go higher over the years, up to $60 each, I would like anyone who wants one on our "great" little site here to be able to afford them. I offer them on the internet for $40 to $45, but I will offer them to you guys for $30 each, 2 for $55, or 3 for $75. I will pay shipping for members of our site also. If you want a different number or would like to order some just email me.
Last edited by JohnBrowning on Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by JohnBrowning »

Here is a picture of one of the clips:
stripperclip compressed 004.jpg
stripperclip compressed 004.jpg (134.64 KiB) Viewed 11628 times
stripperclip compressed 003.jpg
stripperclip compressed 003.jpg (159.03 KiB) Viewed 11628 times
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by jack1653 »

Hey JohnBrowning,

Thanks for your posting. These strpper clips are hard to come by. I am sure you will receive some inquires. I have sent you a PM.


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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by DWalt »

Is there any clip for the .25R/.30R/.32R that can be used without costing an arm and a leg? There's not too much out there with that rim size, but I don't know what's going on with the 6.8mm SPC, which has the same rim diameter. As carbines in 6.8 are (or were) being used to a limited extent by the military (SpecOps) in the sandbox, there may be some sort of stripper clip available for them, just like there is for the 5.56mm. Does anyone know anything about the existence of such a clip?

There is actually a plastic stripper clip made for the 5.56mm and I even have some. I'd think it wouldn't be terribly difficult for some enterprising plastic molder to turn out plastic clips for the M8/M81, but I doubt that will happen.
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by kenhwind »

Definately interested, going to a gun show today hopefully we will have some money left when we get home.
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Guys,

I think the email address is incorrect. If you get an error message, try using "yahoo" instead of yaho. I notified JohnBrowning of the error, but he may not see it for a few days. For what it is worth, I have some of these clips and they are as advertised and in great condition.

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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by JohnBrowning »

Hey guys,
Yes the Email was wrong, should be:

I have not seen any clips that will work with the smaller calibers as far as surplus goes, only Remington ones will work. I've looked at every possible clip at gun shows for years. There are some surplus clips out there that will work for the 35 and 300 with some tinkering. The two lobes on the side are important in that there are only 2 and they are centered. And the width is important so that the fit will be snug and therefore line everything up properly. In the end Remington ones work the best.
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by DWalt »

There's a posting somewhere on this site that said you can somehow insert a cut-down military 5.56mm stripper clip inside a 7.62mm clip, braze stops on the sides of the 7.62mm clip, and use that for .25/.30/.32 Rem. Having a large number of both plastic and metal 5.56mm clips and various 7.62mm, 8mm, and Springfield clips, I couldn't figure out how to do that. Big problem is that the .30 Rem head is such a tight fit in the 5.56mm clip that you wouldn't be able to push 5 rounds into the rifle magazine. Maybe there is some modification that can be done on the 5.56mm clip to make that idea workable.
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by ChopperDoc »

Interested for sure. Would like 2.

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Re: Stripper Clips

Post by DWalt »

It struck me to try using the 10-round stripper clips used for 7.62X39 Russian for .30, .32, and .25 Remington. I got one of those clips today, and while the Remington rims fit into it fine, the clip is a little too wide to fit into the clip slot in the M8/M81 receiver. It's just a little bit too wide, so it might be possible to grind the edges down a little. I may try this later this week. Has anyone else tried this approach? If it can be made to work it could be great, as the 7.62 Russian clips are very plentiful.
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by imfuncity »

Way-interested in how this idea works out! :ugeek:
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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by Mad Texan »


I'd certainly be interested a one or two of those clips for 35 Rem. if you still have them.

Sent you an email today.

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Re: Stripper Clips new factory surplus. Deal for site members.

Post by kenhwind »

Bought four of the Model 8-81 clips, and the ones I received are very nice.
They look unused to me.
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