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1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 10:02 pm
by pags1597
Re: 1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:03 am
by 35Rem
I'll take a stab at it. It looks likes a Grade C (or 3). Upgraded fancy wood with checkering, all else the same (no engraving). Have you taken the forearms off? Are there any letters or number stamped in the wood?
It is pretty shiny. Do you know if it was ever reblued? Some pictures of the lettering and other stamps in the metal may help to determine that.
If all original, not refinished, it is really hard to say what the value is. Standard guns in the condition yours is in (if original) are hard to come by. They will run around $700 to $1,000.
A "C" grade is not very common, so it's harder to place a value on it. Possibly $1,500?
Re: 1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:08 am
by 81police
Pags, welcome to the forum!
Your rifle appears to be a standard "A" grade model 8. The checkering on the wood, in my opinion, is not factory as almost all Remington M8 checkering of the day was single bordered and I've never seen a pattern like that (forearm or stock). It's pretty no doubt! I cannot be certain from your pictures but the buttplate does not look factory either. Usually if the wood is suspect then the metal is as well, do you think the rifle has been reblued?
You've got a nice rifle, someone put some time and money into the stock set. If you need for reference or comparison I can post pictures of early Remington M8 checkering.
Re: 1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 3:10 pm
by Hardrada55
Lets see a picture of the butt plate please. Also take off the forearm and look on the inside. Is it marked in any way?
Re: 1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:56 pm
by pags1597
Here is the buttplate photo, I took off the forestock no markings in the wood. The buttplate has a Remington logo. Could you purchase stock sets from the factory to upgrade a model 8? I have looked at the metal and if it has been refinished they sure did a great job as the stamping is still sharp the screws all look new as well.

Thanks for everyones help, I'm starting to think it may have been refurbished, but if so they did a great job!
Re: 1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:18 pm
by 81police
Your buttplate is most definitely not original. With a grade of wood like that, a lack of markings, and non-factory checkering, I would say the stock set is a replacement. The wood looks far too prominent to simply be refinished. That's one of the nicest replacement's i've seen anyways; I think you've got a good lookin rifle!
Re: 1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:58 am
by Hardrada55
That is a beautiful rifle, very artfully done. Someone with real skills worked on that baby.
Re: 1920 Model 8 35 Rem
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 9:14 am
by pags1597