Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Model 8

Hunting pictures of your Remington Autoloader
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Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Model 8

Post by coop923 »

Here's a story from 1995 or 1996. It was the last day of a very meager deer season, and the likelihood of filling tags looked pretty bleak. I couldn't let the last day go by without at least getting out before being relegated to winding out the year hunting quail. It had been a dry Fall, with no big storms to push the migrating deer out of the high country, but my brother-in-law and I decided we'd spend an hour or two walking a couple ridges about a mile from home, then go to breakfast in town.

At the top of an oak-covered ridge was an old fire break dotted with about five years of brush growth. My brother-in-law hit the fire break about 150 yards south of me and higher on the ridge. I was lower in elevation, having angled through a saddle that had me on the rim of a canyon about 1600' deep. I was glassing below towards the river when I heard the commotion. My brother-in-law had jumped a young buck that was headed wide open straight towards me! My brother-in-law, the buck, and I were all lined up, so neither of us had a shot -and even though I was mostly out in the open surrounded by a few waist-high manzanita and mountain whitethorn, the buck didn't see me. He was closing fast, with my brother-in-law directly behind him. I was thinking my best option to avoid a collision would be some sort of matador move, and I prepared to leap out if his way. The buck realized I was there at about 15' out, and made a quick change of direction, leaping over the mountain whitethorn to my left and into the canyon. As it did, I turned and fired the .35 from about eight feet.


It was a good lung shot, but with adrenaline, inertia and topography working against me, in a matter of seconds the buck made it several hundred feet down into the canyon on just a few full speed bounds. Packing the deer back up to where my brass lay was far more difficult than the 3/4 mile pack from the rim of the canyon back to the truck.

We didn't eat breakfast that day.

Edit: The dog wasn't a part of the hunt. She showed up at the truck with my dad before we got back there.
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Re: Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Model 8

Post by 81police »

Awesome story Coop! Makes it even sweeter to top it off using a family heirloom Model 8! Your grandpa had good taste in firearms. Thank you for sharing the story with us.
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Re: Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Model 8

Post by imfuncity »

Indeed - Great long shot story!! ;)
Though defensive violence will always be “a sad necessity” in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men. - St. Augustine
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Re: Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Model 8

Post by coop923 »

Same gun, 1930. My buck was much better -for packing out of the canyon! :roll: Grandpa shot a lot of deer, but took very few pictures.

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Re: Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Model 8

Post by imfuncity »

Supper picture and with the gun - how cool is that!!
Though defensive violence will always be “a sad necessity” in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men. - St. Augustine
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Re: Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Model 8

Post by J. Riekers »

That's great!
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Re: Old Hunt, But Good Story: First Buck With Grandpa's Mode

Post by In The Ten Ring »

Wow, what a great story! I inherited a Remington Wingmaster from my grandfather but no specific hunting stories. That pic of your grandpa and your hunting tale (same rifle) are inspiring. I guess I am going to have to get a Model 8 now and take it hunting.
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