Noticed on GUNBROKER today they had some stuff that may be of interest or use to folks here ... =273968055
the other item numbers are 273401035 / 273638160 / 274296133
scroll down from there to see remaining items which include model 8 gun parts plus an original copy of Henwoods
book on the model 8 ( currently at $ 150. dollars) and a custom engraved model 8 in 32 cal.
I was thinking in particular those parts might be usefull.
Interesting items on gunbroker today
Re: Interesting items on gunbroker today
That enevelope looks like a great buy...
as long as there are 98 Washingtons inside!!
Some how I had missed this one until now. 

Though defensive violence will always be “a sad necessity” in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men. - St. Augustine
Re: Interesting items on gunbroker today
Interesting set of parts. There were some Model 8 parts listed on ebay, and when I first looked at them they were $102.XX. A few hours later $177.XX. Don't know what the final bid was as I did not save it.