Q @A about the 8/81 - Bolt Carrier Latch Spring

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Q @A about the 8/81 - Bolt Carrier Latch Spring

Post by Roger »

This inquiry is sent out to help me find a bolt carrier latch spring. I just bought the latch from gunparts corp. I bought. An 81 recently@ after several malfunctions at the range, I consulted Henwoods book to learn that my. bolt latch was probably shot. Upon disassembly I found the suspect parts weren't even in there!!!what a kick in the pants!! I would greatly appreciate any help from you other m-8 fans in locating a latch spring. FYI this m-81 300 savage functioned well except it wouldn't stay open when empty. Thank you for your time. Roger
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Re: Q @A about the 8/81 - Bolt Carrier Latch Spring

Post by 81police »

Roger I believe I have several bolt carrier latch springs. Please send an email to cat9x@hotmail.com and we can work out a deal.
Cam Woodall
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Re: Q @A about the 8/81 - Bolt Carrier Latch Spring

Post by Roger »

Cameron, I installed the new parts in the offending M-81@ went to the range to test it today. It functioned fine except on one last shot, it left the empty brass laying on the magazine follower. It did keep the bolt open though.I shot 4 or 5 more rds. And it functioned perfectly.Does anyone here on the Rem-8 forum have a suggestion about what happened? Thank you for your time.
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