West Texas Hunting 2012

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West Texas Hunting 2012

Post by 81police »

My father and I had some success out west this past week. He shot 7 or 8 hogs (I lost count), I shot one, and I was VERY fortunate to take this 8 point with my BAR. I call him the Lord's buck. God taught me a lot about patience and what hunting is really all about through this deer. He was shot late evening and crossed the neighbor's fence 15 yards away. We waited until dawn to look for him, I couldn't sleep. After tracking 100 yards the blood trail ended. No buck in sight. I decided to check a dry creek bed for any blood sign, and down one of the fingers saw a coyote's butt moving back and forth on a carcass. In less than 12hrs coyotes had devoured everything except the head, hide, and skeletal system. God reminded me the hunt's not about the buck, it's about enjoying time with my father and appreciating God's wondrous creation!
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Cam Woodall
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Re: West Texas Hunting 2012

Post by imfuncity »

No worries on packing him - clever on your part. (And, leaves more room for turkey in the freezer. ;)) Bet you had a good time with your Dad though - especially with him picking on you over the deer and HIS number of hogs! :P
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Re: West Texas Hunting 2012

Post by Pitchy »

Nice buck too bad the yotes ate it but guess they have to do their thing.
Wow big hog, grats on both. 8-)
A lot of water under the bridge good and bad,
Bad when i did it my way, Good when i did it Gods way.

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Re: West Texas Hunting 2012

Post by Roger »

Congrats on your successful hunt,Cam.I'm sorry about your buck,and I understand exactly because a similar thing happened to me a few yrs. ago. We lost my buck,an 11 pointer, then found him the next morning and the coyotes had killed him @ripped his throat out ,plus chewed his nose off ,ruining the mount possibility. But we saved his rack and I have it mounted on a board with an old Auto 5 ad. and some gun racks. I'm surely glad you were able to spend the hunting time with your Dad. I have 3 adult sons and cherish any time I get to spend with them now.
Thanks for your time,
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West Texas Hunting 2012

Post by ShermanTeP »

I just found out that I will be stationed in Fort Bliss Texas. I was wondering how the hunting is down there. I am sure the coyote hunting is great but was just wondering about how the rest of the hunting is?
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Re: West Texas Hunting 2012

Post by polock »

Hey Sherman--Hope u are still in the forum! Congrats on your assignment to Ft Bliss. I was at WSMR in another life (late 1980s). Great small game hunting (esp quail) on McGreggor Range as well. You should be allowed to hunt the missile range--some nice large mulies in past days, and a lot of country to roam.

I really enjoyed my time at WSMR. El Paso was close, and some great restaurants in Juarez. Of course, things have changed, esp in the Army, since 9/11. Hoping you are enjoying your time at Bliss--do they still have the Rod & Gun Club and range??
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