WTB Barrel Assembly for Model 81 .35

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WTB Barrel Assembly for Model 81 .35

Post by jack1653 »

Hey Guys,

I am at it again and need some help. I would like to buy 2 barrel assemblies for the Model 81 in the 35 caliber. I have two decent receivers but the barrels assemblies leave much to be desired. You know the usual badly pitted barrel and poor rifling, rust and dents in the sleve, sloppy re-bluing and buggered barrel nut and collars. They are worthless and not worth refinishing attempts. I should have known better to buy something "As Is" but I am a slow learner. Some things just don't show up in "doctored" pictures.

I hope to salvage the rifles as shooters because they aren't collectibles. They are still 81's and I will keep them because I like these rifles.

If anyone out there has a complete barrel assembly or know where I can buy one at a reasonable cost I would be much indebted. They don't have to be in mint condition but I would hope that they would be in good condition. I hope you all can come through for me. Thanks a million!

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Re: WTB Barrel Assembly for Model 81 .35

Post by fcjr53 »

Try this web site, they buy and sell complete guns and parts. They are located in the lower part of New York state. http://www.gunpartscorp.com/ It,s called Numrich Arms.
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Re: WTB Barrel Assembly for Model 81 .35

Post by jack1653 »

Thanks Floyd,

I have already been there and they didn't have any. Said to check back in 60 days that they may have one. I appreciate the tip an will follow up in the time thay indicated.

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