OK, I've done some digging. The 35R bolt is about .005-.007 smaller than the 300Sav. Looking at the cases in the chambers with the rifle taken down they are very deep. That is the extractor is recessed in the "block". Yes, the extractor is very much the same. I'm amazed that the bolts close on all the barrels if they are the same rim family. It works!!

The precision these rifles were built with is amazing considering the era of their manufacture. I'm not saying the headspace is correct just yet. I'm working on a method to check them. Anyone have sets of 25R, 30R, 32R, 35R, and 300Sav headspace gages I could borrow?
Goal: I'm also a TC Contender
FreaK, the possibility of a swap barrel custom gun seems like a cool idea.

Mr Browning just didn't think of it. (Maybe

Warning: I am NOT advocating swapping barrels and bolts around without a thorough check of fitting & headspace. This is not for amateurs.
SAAMI data:
I acquired a 32R rifle recently with a Non-Kreiger removable magazine. It's a very simple mechanism; the latch is on the trigger guard bottom, same as the Kreiger, it operates in the opposite direction. There's a spring that holds a catch against the shoulder on the back of the factory mag. The only mag mods required are fixing the springs to the sides of the magazine and filing a curve on the back of the magazine to allow it to catch in front then rotate up till it latches. It also requires the screws on the left side & a small slot in the front of the trigger guard for the latch. Oh, a pin to hinge the latch. While I've never had a Kreiger in hand, from looking I think this one is very KISS principal.
I'm planning to post photos on the Pics folder soon as I figure it out.
Note: I've not done any firing just yet, but my 35R and 300Sav barrel assemblies fit and the actions close. My 32R, 30R, & 25R all mount and close on a 32R receiver and a 30R receiver.(luck perhaps) I do have some concerns of the extractor fit in the barrel block. Working....