Of course as with all things related to Model 8/81's this proved to have its little challenges as well. First off I need to go to a split ring type mount to install the scope as taking it apart to get it into the existing solid rings would kind of defeat the "nitrogen filled" part of the deal. Lucky for me that Lyman still makes the #4 mounting system and the rings supplied with the "newer" unit will fit on the old base and have split rings. Second off when I had it all installed I found that the higher profile adjusting knobs on the Burris caused jamming problems by blocking ejected cases from clearing the rifle during firing. This was solved by rotating the scope to the left. Of course this made sighting in some what confusing but it was workable. The pictures show the installed unit and resulting five shot 3.5 inch group fired at 100 yards. So this fall I think I may give it a go. All in all this was just another excuse to do some tinkering and shooing with this great old gun.