For a few years , I have been working on the restoration of my Carabine FN Browning 1900. The most difficult part have been, how to restore or reproduce the address on the receiver. For 5 years I research the web and asked questions on different forum. I finally came across something on Canadian Gunnutz. Here we go with the pics and the explanation of the assisted computer technique to reproduce the markings.
First the carcass
Then, the cleaning and sanding. As you see, there is not much left of the lettering
I took a close up of the lettering and opened the JPG in a program call Gimp (image editor program, like photoshop). I cleaned the surrounding of each letter and reworked them pixel by pixel. Notice the ruler in the pic. It is important to keep the ruler in the pic, in other to scale the address to dimension.
After having restored and scaled the address, I place it in the receiver image in a mock-up, still using Gimp, in order to see the end result.
In the next step, I will used Inkscape program to vectorized the jpeg image of the lettering. The laser mounted CNC machine that will engrave the letter can only read vectorized image.
Prior to the laser operation, I bead blasted the receiver.
Than I sand off the deteriorated address, polish the receiver and ship it to the laser shop.
Here is the final result