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My first custom 81

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:51 pm
by uhjohnson
and probably a long time before I see another. I may have paid a bit much but it was only on the block for three days and no one else challenged the
Initial offering, so it was either too high or the auction was too short. So unless you look at the completed auctions you won't see this one of a kind gun. The stock is beautiful with a nice grain, high comb, checkering and a cheek rest with a nice cut at the bottom( see photo 108), (I think most of the stock pictures are too dark, see photo 180). I can't imagine how much the stock would cost today to make, probably more than the gun. I also think the bluing will be better than than the pictures, because a camera has a tendency to exaggerate flaws in faded bluing. Lastly the sights are a nice custom touch especially the front King red bead with a mirror for that directed light (see photo 143) ... =496640317

Re: My first custom 81

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:37 pm
by Hardrada55
Oh, I saw those and was very impressed, especially with the FN they had for sale, though I bet yours is unique in the world.

Re: My first custom 81

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:24 pm
by 81police
I think you're really going to enjoy this 81 :)

Re: My first custom 81

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:10 pm
by uhjohnson
With a low serial number like this it could be the first custom 81. Anyone out there know of a lower number custom.