This will be an ongoing list of the various local, county, and state Law Enforcement agencies (and private corporations) that purchased Remington Model 8 & 81 Police rifles. This list is part of continuing research by If you see a dept not listed, and have photographs of such rifle, please email Cam ( to have the list updated. Thank y'all for any help!
Model 8
*since most Model 8 POE’s were not marked, the provenance of them are ambiguous or unknown altogether. Those that were marked or have accompanying documentation to identify their origination are listed below.
Police Dept. Kansas City, KS
Sheriff’s Office Andrews County, MO
Columbia, MO Police Department
Sheriff’s Office Holt County, MO
Sheriff’s Office Fulton, MO
Texas Rangers
US Border Patrol
KC, (Kansas City) MO Police Dept
George Moran Sheriff Buchanan Co. Missouri (ISSUED TO INDIVIDUAL)
Model 81…
* Remington did sell the “Special Police” without the 15 round magazine. These rifles retained the customized configuration of other “Special Police” rifles, but were equipped with the standard, non-detachable, 5 round magazine. These rare guns are listed separately.
Sheriff Dept. Los Angeles County
Nashville, Tenn. Police Dept
Kentucky State Highway Patrol
Arkansas State Police
Sheriff’s Office Putman (sic) County, NY
The Whitney Chain & Mfg. Co. / Hartford Conn. (PRIVATE CORPORATION)
State of Tennessee Brushy Mountain Prison
Connecticut State Police
Kingsport (TN) Police Department
Waupaca County (WI) Sheriff
Spartanburg, Georgia Police Dept
Sparrows Point, Maryland Police Dept
San Quentin Prison (CA)
Indiana County, PA / Sheriff’s Dept
Will Inmon, Sheriff / Tupelo, Mississippi (ISSUED TO INDIVIDUAL)
Lyons Police Department
Police Department / County of Nassau N.Y.
“Special Police” 81 w/ factory 5 round magazine
Tennessee State Penitentiary / Nashville, Tennessee
Arkansas State Penitentiary
Town of Murphy
LEO’s that Purchased Police 8/81’s
LEO’s that Purchased Police 8/81’s
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
Site Owner / Administrator
Re: LEO’s that Purchased Police 8/81’s
Cam, thank you for adding this history link for the greater good!
Much appreciated!
Much appreciated!
I am a regular joe, consisting of 78% coffee, 12% hot air, 9% organizational abilities, and 1% luck.
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:14 pm
Re: LEO’s that Purchased Police 8/81’s
Was privileged to see and handle briefly a model 81 with Los Angeles County Sheriff Dept engraved on the receiver and a detachable 15 rd magazine at a gunshow in Coure D Alene Idaho a month ago. Cool! Not for sale, although the owner had a standing offer for $6000 for it.
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:49 pm
Re: LEO’s that Purchased Police 8/81’s
Shooting my Model 8 at the range a few weeks ago I had an elderly man come over and tell me, "That's a Remington Model 8, isn't it?"
He said that he had retired from the Pitt County (NC) Sheriff's department and that they'd had several with 15 round magazines marked Property Of... He said they traded them for more modern guns sometime in the 1970s.
He was shooting a Colt AR-15 in 9 mm that he carried on patrol - because the Sheriff wouldn't let them carry carbines in 223 worried they might penetrate multiple mobile homes.
So there are some "Property Of Pitt Co. Sheriff Dept." out there somewhere...
He said that he had retired from the Pitt County (NC) Sheriff's department and that they'd had several with 15 round magazines marked Property Of... He said they traded them for more modern guns sometime in the 1970s.
He was shooting a Colt AR-15 in 9 mm that he carried on patrol - because the Sheriff wouldn't let them carry carbines in 223 worried they might penetrate multiple mobile homes.
So there are some "Property Of Pitt Co. Sheriff Dept." out there somewhere...