Dayton, Ohio PD - 1931

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Dayton, Ohio PD - 1931

Post by 81police »

This photo is a real treasure. I may have posted it years past but here it is again.

Thought to be from late 1931. A few members of the Dayton PD with quite an arsenal! Two Thompson SMG's, a Remington Model 11 shotgun, all flanked by two Model 8's. Apparently the Cadillac was customized with the intent to be a pursuit car after bank robbers. Mods said to include "bullet proof" glass, heavy front bumper, a radiator shield, and multiple gun racks on the interior. I believe John Dillinger was arrested a couple years later by the Dayton PD and who knows if these men, those guns, and that car were part of the arrest?! Cool history.
Remington Model 8 Bank Robber Picturem, Dayton PD, 1930..jpg
Remington Model 8 Bank Robber Picturem, Dayton PD, 1930..jpg (147.37 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
Cam Woodall
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