Current 8 & 81 Prices

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Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by kenhwind »

Are Model 8 & 81 Remington's actually selling for the prices I see on the internet, GunBroker in particular?
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Re: Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by Rifleman »

In my state (Iowa) at gunshows I do go to, they are rarely seen, so I get most of my prices off GB and Guns International. I bought both of my 81's off of GB. For the most part it seems to me that 8/81 prices have climbed around $100-150 in the last year. It seems also that prices on guns international are higher in the asking, but that site isn't an auction like GB and you can make the seller offers. I've never seen a 8/81 at any gunshops, sort of like a Savage 99 lever gun. Just not real popular for hunters due to the fact ya can't hunt deer with them or the 8/81's. A few throwbacks like myself that appreciate the models and just use them for target work and admiring them due to being from a different era. I've seen most selling for $800-850 on GB.
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Re: Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by TJH »

Just out of curiosity, Why can't you hunt deer with a Savage 99 or Remington 8/81?
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Re: Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by Rifleman »

No bottleneck (high power) rifle cartridges allowed. Other than bow and muzzleloader rifle, the DNR only allows certain straightwall cartridges for hunting deer such as 44 Magnum, 45/70, and a few others. Up until not to long ago other than bow/muzzzleloader the only legal means was by the use of shotgun slugs. I've read that the majority of deer taken in Iowa by firearm is still by shotgun with 12 gauge the most popular. Has to do with density of area populated farms and rural housing in Iowa. I've gone the last two years using a 94 Marlin lever gun in 44 Mag, will bring em down. If I go north into Southern Minnesota (I'm only 40 mi south of border) to gun shows/gun shops, the 8/81's and 99's start to show up more. I've been told shows/shops north of Minneapolis have more yet.
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Re: Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by TJH »

Now I understand. I did not realize that you lived in one of those States.
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Re: Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by Rifleman »

Yep, one of those states. I was just down to probably one of the biggest gunshows in Iowa that is held 6-7 times a year in Des Moines this last weekend. Not one Rem 8/81 and only three Sav 99's. Two of them were pretty beat, the other was $$$$ due to the fact it was in good shape for a 90 year old 99G 300 Savage with a Lyman rear peep sight, also had a retro Weaver 330 scope with a Stith mount, and the original rear sight also. No 250 or 300 Savage new/used brass to be found. I like the senior citizens like the 81 and 99 because when I was growing up as a kid and teen in the 60's I used to wear out pictures looking at them of hunters with 8/81's and 99's. Love the retro look and the quality of them vs newer rifles with laminate/plastic stocks, non steel parts, or stamped steel. There are a few of us in North Iowa that like the old ones and buy them to admire and/or shoot. All of mine are shooters. Two 81 300 Savage's and a 1929 Savage 99G in 250 Savage and a 32' 99R in 300 Savage. Would love to be able to hunt deer with them. Have taken the scoped 99 250 Savage out coyote hunting on occasion. Kind of a quirk--If a person wanted to, they could take a M1 Garand in 30/06 out fox and coyote hunting here in Iowa, but the bottle neck rounds are a no-no for deer Has alot to do with the amount of hunters also out in the three week firearm season in December.
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Re: Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by 81police »

Might need a Model 8/81 rechambered in 350 Legend then! Now that's an idea!
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Re: Current 8 & 81 Prices

Post by Rifleman »

Now that's an idea, chances slim and none that I'll ever do it. :)
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