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Round knob m8 in 35 Remington

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:47 am
by Roger
Hey guys, I don’t know how many of you saw the Gunbroker auction for this rifle. It ended Wednesday I think. It looked pretty nice at first glance, and it may be fine once in hand. I looked at it on the first day and thought it looked a little too good.I’m always suspicious of any gun that is almost 100 years old,and looks new. I’m sorry that I dont have the auction number,but I deleted it by accident.
To get to the point,it sold for almost 2700.00$ . It was a round knob,fluted comb stock . With the extremely rare shotgun steel checkered buttplate. This alone was the only reason that I was interested in it. Being a 35, I knew that it would sell high. But I was sort of surprised that it went for so much. With tax,shipping,and FFL transfer fees, It will be pushing 3000.00. My opinion is that the lettering looked slightly smeared and without having in my hands, I wasn’t comfortable bidding on it. I had no idea how badly some people must have wanted it. Sorry about this version of this old mans grumbling s
Thanks for your time

Re: Round knob m8 in 35 Remington

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:43 am
by Roger
I found the item number.896715049

Re: Round knob m8 in 35 Remington

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 12:05 pm
by Fred
Yeah, that kind of price makes me happy I have a cheap "basket case" rifle I can shoot and enjoy, rather than another museum piece, mothballed in some dark hole for another 100 years.

Re: Round knob m8 in 35 Remington

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:11 pm
by Hibby83

That model in particular appeared to be in better than most condition wise. Big things I saw that are outside the norm was the stock set and the metal shotgun style buttplate "as roger stated". I did share some speculation on the possibility of refinish too. If that's the case, it was done well "according to the photos".

Theres been a handful that have gone north of $2,xxx in the last 4-6 months hat surely make me appreciate what I have and kind of scratch my head.

Re: Round knob m8 in 35 Remington

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:42 pm
by 9.3shooter
I was not watching that one, but had seen it last week. I have a .30 Rem coming and not interested in a .35 anyway so had no plans to bid. I would be more interested in finding a nice unmolested .25 Rem.
I see one on GB but its been scoped, though it looks like a half decent job anyway. I just cant quite wrap my noodle around a scope sitting off to the side like that and not being able to get any kind of weld to the stock.
I recently purchased a really nice Model 14 in .32 Rem with a scope but its on top so its useable. Came with an old Lyman PermaCenter with post and CH, nice set up and it shoots great.