.25 Rem, Graf brass

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.25 Rem, Graf brass

Post by 9.3shooter »

This is the 3rd loading and firing of this batch of Graf brass in my Model 8. This brass has not been annealed by me. I emailed Grafs and asked them about the concerns that some had about the brass they had with early failure. Guy said the brass is annealed when received or it would fail on first firing. I asked who made it, but got no answer to that.
Here is pic of mine shot today using 100 gr bullets and 3031 powder which shot very well btw, and ran the rifle with no issues.
IMG_2054.JPG (614.63 KiB) Viewed 4249 times
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Re: .25 Rem, Graf brass

Post by Rifleman »

Can't say 100% with accuracy, but when this same sort of question of where Graff's get there brass made, back in March when the question of the origin of Graffs 32 Remington brass came up (thread is a few down from this one), I advised what Graffs told me when I asked them who makes their 30/40 Krag brass. Guy at Graffs told me Jamison, who is a US manufacturer of brass. They make alot of hard to get obsolete brass.

A friend of mine who shoots alot of older lever action rifles (odd ball calibers) advised me that he and others use Jamison brass alot and have no problems with it. I've never had any with the 30/40 Krag brass I bought from Graffs. Read somewhere where Jamison was purchased by an outfit called Captech, not sure of the accuracy, but could be checked on. Can't say with 100% accuracy either if Jamison/Captech makes all of Graffs brass-a person would have to squeeze that info out of Graffs.
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Re: .25 Rem, Graf brass

Post by 9.3shooter »

I plan to shoot this first batch until something gives and will report back on longevity. Sure enjoy shooting the little .25 round in this rifle. Something about the almost machine gun like noise it makes just tickles me.
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Re: .25 Rem, Graf brass

Post by kenhwind »

When I got my .25 Model 8 I made sure components were available, and like wise used the Graf's brass. I know for a fact that I had loaded the cases up several times before I had issues, which was spilt cases at the shoulder. As for who makes Graf's brass it might be Quality Cartridge.

Brass cases splitting or cracking is nothing unusual and not just a bug with the Graf's brass. We've been shooting some factory Remington .45 ammo that I bought some years back and to my surprise several of the cases cracked. I loaded up some once fired Winchester 30-06 cases and again several were split.
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Re: .25 Rem, Graf brass

Post by PremierGrade »

Simple fix is to anneal the case necks.
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