field trials
field trials
Did any of you see GunBroker auction number 932475426 that I won. I think I know the seller and have bought from him before. I also think CBR stands for Circle B Ranch which is well known for woodworking and maybe also metal working. The carbine version is enough, but to be the field trials version is too much. Did I pay too much? Opinions welcomed. Be safe and enjoy life. ROB
Re: field trials
Wow! A one of a kind. The seller is a member here 'remcrazy' Bob Bruniger. I have one of his stocks for a restoration I`m doing. Does great work. Cam can probably tell you about who did the conversion. Should be a little more pleasant to shoot in 30 Rem. I think you did fine young man !!
".......ain't many troubles that a man cain't fix
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."
Re: field trials
Bob, aka Remcrazy, is a class act gentleman. He has been a member of this forum for many years and an honest businessman. The quality of his work is top shelf. I've owned many examples of his work, CBR tools, custom woodwork, etc and all were above my expectations. That rifle will be SWEET!
Cam Woodall
Site Owner / Administrator
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