Interesting history on this one...

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Interesting history on this one...

Post by canuck »

We know about the official use of the 1900 in WW1, wonder how many were used un-officially in conflict?
Sure got to reduce the number of FNs out there today
This self-loading rifle was seized by British forces during the Irish Republican rising in Dublin at Easter 1916. Due to a failed attempt to ship weapons from Germany, the Republican insurgents were very short of proper military equipment. As a consequence, sporting weapons, such as this - a Belgian-made version of the popular Remington Model 8 rifle - were pressed into use.
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Re: Interesting history on this one...

Post by Hardrada55 »

I think that's very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
...the right of citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America..."
- Hubert H. Humphrey, "Gun" magazine, Feb. '60
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Re: Interesting history on this one...

Post by Hibby83 »

While having some coffee i read some more of the posts in here.

No way to substantiate anything, interesting enough the left of my buttstock has this stamp. Wish they showed the 139 stamp in their photos.

Neat to have some theories, but I wouldn't bet on anything.
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