... r-AA1a4d44
They call this a ban but its not a ban on ownership as current owners are grandfathered to own and use. What this does is stop further sales, transfers and manufacture of semi automatic rifles, even a Remington model 8!
A year or so ago, they made any semi auto rifle an 'assault' rifle, if it used any part of its energy to reload the rifle, even a .22LR. Since that time you could still buy them, but had to wait 10 days and take a safety course and pay an extra fee. Its all BS of course but it was mostly inconvenience and costs, but this will impact a lot of people in a way they probably dont realize.
Should be challenged in court almost immediately as it has in Oregon and is stayed pending court decisions.
Our Gov, Jay Inslee is an idiot and gun hater from way back and cant wait to sign this.
Assault Weapons Legislation passes, on to Gov
- Posts: 154
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:08 am
- Posts: 154
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:08 am
Re: Assault Weapons Legislation passes, on to Gov
The above is for Washington State.
Re: Assault Weapons Legislation passes, on to Gov
Some advice from a Kanadian brother in arms;
Don't be complacent about this, it will take every gun owner to speak out and get involved and stop the gungrabbers.
This started years ago here and we are pretty much fooked now - don't let it happen there!! ... 0/meme.jpg

Don't be complacent about this, it will take every gun owner to speak out and get involved and stop the gungrabbers.
This started years ago here and we are pretty much fooked now - don't let it happen there!! ... 0/meme.jpg

- Posts: 154
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:08 am
Re: Assault Weapons Legislation passes, on to Gov
Its happening all over now. Even with the recent SCOTUS decision, they just keep pushing it. I suspect that this will get tossed out from at least one of several very likely court challenges.
Beyond that there isnt really much that can be done, unless one is willing to put it all on the line. We aint there yet.
Beyond that there isnt really much that can be done, unless one is willing to put it all on the line. We aint there yet.
- Posts: 154
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:08 am
Re: Assault Weapons Legislation passes, on to Gov
Law just signed and within minutes landed in court with suits from the NRA and others. I would hope all gun rights groups enjoin and hopefully a court will order an injunction.
If the Bruen decision by SCOTUS means what it says, this should in reality be a slam dunk, but I wouldnt bet the farm on that.
If the Bruen decision by SCOTUS means what it says, this should in reality be a slam dunk, but I wouldnt bet the farm on that.
Re: Assault Weapons Legislation passes, on to Gov
it is and has always been about incremental steps to take your second ammendment rights away. Don't pay attention to what the "current" legislation says or proposes. It is just a step to controlling guns and whatever else they want you compliant ones to obey so they have power over you.
On a different, but similar vein, our Wa State legislature passed and the gov signed a law last year that took effect on Jan 1, 2023, I think, that imposes a tax or fee on fossil fuels. Our gas prices are among the highest if not the highest in the country. I did not have a firm fix on the amount of that tax untill I recently had my propane tank refilled. Studying the invoice I noted a line item of 30 cents per gallon for what is innocently described as a "WA Cap and Investment fee". Translated, this is the tax that Jay Inslee described, when confronted about the cost of this legislation, as just a few pennies to protect the planet. In other words, don't worry about it.
Well, you better worry about it anytime a politician says its for your own good.
On a different, but similar vein, our Wa State legislature passed and the gov signed a law last year that took effect on Jan 1, 2023, I think, that imposes a tax or fee on fossil fuels. Our gas prices are among the highest if not the highest in the country. I did not have a firm fix on the amount of that tax untill I recently had my propane tank refilled. Studying the invoice I noted a line item of 30 cents per gallon for what is innocently described as a "WA Cap and Investment fee". Translated, this is the tax that Jay Inslee described, when confronted about the cost of this legislation, as just a few pennies to protect the planet. In other words, don't worry about it.
Well, you better worry about it anytime a politician says its for your own good.