I was pleasantly surprised when I open the box today !! The wood popped out with very nice color and grain !!! I believe it's English Walnut. The checkering is very nice and patterns match perfectly with the examples on the forums "Grades of 8s and 81s" !! It has been well cared for the bluing is strong and there are only a few noticeable marks on the stocks. The butt plate has a scratch on it but it's not cracked. The one thing I hadn't noticed was an extra hole on the rear of the top tang that has been plugged with a filler screw. Probably from a different tang sight long ago.
The rear sight has been neatly cut down and shaped to a nice blank and to me it's not to bad. Also the front sight has been changed. All and all I really like it.
I took the fore end off and it has no marks in it but I guess that is common. I also took the stock off and under the top tang wood is marked with the serial number and a 3. also the the trigger group tang is marked with serial number and another 3.
That's about it I am going to post some pictures but unfortunately the need to be made kinda small for this forum ? Not sure why but here they are.
Thanks for looking !! Enjoy. John Taylor